David spares Saul, again

1 Samuel 26 NASB
(checking story length...)
1SA 18:28-29





Some ThoughtsRemember in 1SA 26:3, they didn't have radar back then. / 1SA 26:6 is the first we hear of Abishai, and he'll serve King David faithfully as long as he's written about, which will be almost to the end of 2SA. / In 1SA 26:17, remember it was still the middle of the night. / Compare 1SA 26:21,25 to 1SA 24:17,22, David had heard this language before and wasn't super trusting of Saul's promise. Saul may have been serious this time in 1SA 26:21, but he won't get the opportunity to prove it.

1SA 26
David spares Saul, again
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