Stephen’s speach, pt 1

Acts 7:1-34 MSG
(checking story length...)
ACT 6:13-15





An ApplicationStephen was demonstrating his knowledge of the history of his people, the Jews. Remembering ACT 6:8, he was preparing to do a variation of what Jesus did on the road to Emmaus (LK 24:27). He will be connecting the history of Israel to the Messiah. His speach has been cut in half here just because his speach is twice as long as the average story length. Stephen was practicing the best practice of public speaking and demonstrating he knew his audience.

Connect the DotsStephen started with a quote from GE 12:1, and this first half of his speach ends with EX 3:5. The second half will step back just a little to EX 2:14 and continue to EX 32:1, then blur the next few centuries together, presumably to get to the point faster. / This was more a speach than a story, but it's important context for what happens to Stephen and why.

AC 7:1-34
Stephen’s speach, pt 1
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