New plan for the Jews

Esther 8 KJVA
(checking story length...)



An ApplicationMordecai and Esther were real heroes. Not because they chose to fight, but because of why they made the choice. They knew what was necessary to defend both God's people and God's reputation, and were willing to do it. They took a very bad situation they'd been unwillingly forced into and turned it around (remember GE 50:20). Of course they didn't do it alone, God was there the whole time, just as He still is today (ROM 8:28, 2CH 16:9).

Connect the DotsCompare Mordecai's plan to allow lethal self defense in EST 8:11 with the prophet Elijah's assassinating all 400+ prophets of Baal in 1KI 18:40. These weren't examples of ruthless men carrying out their malicious fantasies. They were holy men of God who had a good grasp on discernment (1KI 3:9, PR 17:15, ISA 5:20). They knew how to defend the weak (PS 82:3-4) and punish evil (PS 97:10, PR 8:13, AM 5:15) so that real peace would thrive (DT 19:20). / Compare EST 8:17 to PS 81:13-15 NASB.

New plan for the Jews
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