
Revelation 22:6-21 GNT
(checking story length...)
REV 1:9-11



REV 21:9





PSA 86:12



HAB 3:2



An ApplicationCompare REV 22:20 to MT 24:42-44 and ACT 1:7. The point wasn't necessarily prophetic that Jesus would return "soon" as much as the attitude Jesus wants His followers to have. He clearly wants us to think and act as if He were coming tomorrow, not excusing ourselves to live for ourselves all our lives, planning to repent later, right before our death. Rather, repent now (MT 4:17) obey now (1SA 15:22-23) and always. Do your part in the Great Commission (MT 28:18-20) and ACT 1:8.

Connect the DotsFYI, REV 22:21 is the last verse in the Bible, so naturally, this is our last story. There is plenty more to read though. I've curated some favorite passages from the letters, great speeches, my favorite psalms, the genealogies, and some recapped stories as bonus content. Whether you read any of that or not, your next step in reading may be to read the Gospels straight through, chapter by chapter. Or reread the stories from the beginning and you'll get much more out of them having more context.

REV 22:6-Ω
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