Data Analysis in the BibleData Analysis in the BibleSection: Intro ⋅ Books ⋅ Chapters ⋅ Genealogies ⋅ Tribes ⋅ Moses ⋅ Numbers ⋅ Kings of Israel ⋅ Apostles ⋅ Timeline ⋅ Population ⋅ More |
I've been a professional data guy for over 20 years. I analyze data and transform it into insight all the time. Sometimes that comes with a visual. Certainly the more fun insight involves a visual. So after nearly 20 years of text-based insight into the Bible logged on this website, I figured it was time to put my data visualization skills to work on Biblical themes. This is the long version, which includes analysis and source data. Click here for the short version (the dashboard). |
This is a simple screen shot from Microsoft Excel (link). Unfortunately Microsoft doesn't allow us to custom sort the data except by weighting, but if I weight the books then they by definition won't look the same size. The Old Testament properly shows before the New, and the books within each section (History, Wisdom, Gospels, etc.) sort correctly, it's just the sections which aren't sorted right. But it still looks cool. Here it is with the weighting (so this is sorted completely right, we just can't see the labels of the smaller books). The word count is noted on the table below, under the next visual. Word count is of course arbitrary because it depends what language and translation you're analyzing. In this case it was the KJV translation and the data came from here. KJV is not my favorite, but it's as good as any for this purpose. |
Chapter and verse counts are mostly standard and based on the original texts. Speaking of originals, the Interlinear Bible is a great resource. Here's the table:
The blue vertical line for the flood is based on Genesis 7:6 and 11 (along with doing the math of when Noah was born) and the purple vertical line for the incident at Babel is based on Genesis 10:25 and doing the math of when Peleg was born, reinforced by the detail that chapter 10 genealogy ends with Peleg). Detail is explored in both my Real History article and Timeless Lessons, but the visual and the table have been copied here. Here's the table: (period after number indicates not explicitly given in scripture but rather a guess)
Commentary... add from numbers 2: List verses where source data came from. Mention Jacob's one daughter. Hierarchy visual was made with PowerPoint. Compass Rose image from clipart-library.com. [data table coming soon...] |
Dinah is the little remembered sole daughter of Jacob. Born in chapter 20, she is the center of attention in Genesis 34, mentioned once in chapter 46, then not mentioned again. Of course Joseph was Rachel's first son, and Benjamin was her second, but for the sake of the illustration, to align with the twelve tribes of Israel, and because of limitations in Excel, I've skipped over Joseph.
Genesis 15:13 says Abram's descendants would live as foreigners for 400 years but Genesis 15:16 only seems to say that would span 4 generations. This timeline is confirmed in Exodus 12:40-41 and the genealogic detail was elaborated on in Exodus 6:16-20. How could 400 years be only 4 generations? Is the text wrong? This is an example where a little bit of knowledge can lead us away from God, but a lot will bring us right back to Him. First, let's look at precedence. Fortunately, the Bible goes out of is way to document when sons were born in Genesis. The data for this column graph came from a table above on the genealogies of Genesis. It reminds us Abraham's father, Terah, was 70 when Abram was born, Abraham was 100 when Isaac was born, Isaac was 60 when Jacob/Israel was born, etc. The reconciliation is when God said "for 400 years" in Genesis 15:13, He was referring to all of Abraham's descendents, beginning with Isaac. Then He mentioned the slavery in Egypt, so the "fourth generation" in Genesis 15:16 was not of all the descendents but just of those who would live in Egypt.
In Exodus 12:40 the NIV says "the length of time the Israelite people lived in Egypt was 430 years." This is very contradictory to my logic above. Many of us have been culturally programed to immediately ask ourselves then if the record is wrong and if we'll have to come up with some lame excuse for why we can spend all this effort to prove the Bible to be true, only get thrown under the bus by details like this. But if we read the original Hebrew (here) we can see the NIV translation team got it wrong, not God's original word. The original says "the sojourn of the sons of Israel who lived in Egypt was 430 years." Restructuring the English translated sentence just to provide context could look like this: "the sons of Israel, who had lived for some time in Egypt, sojourned a total of 430 years." Again, God for the win. The math does add up, but even if it didn't, our goal is not to critique the scripture but to understand what was intended to be communicated when it was originally recorded. When God said 4th generation, He wasn't using Webster's Dictionary and He wasn't even using English. He could've meant a generational time period rather than the minimal time needed to get from generation A to B as judged by 21st century norms. As usual, the math adds up and terminology isn't a concern, but that also doesn't mean we've explained everything and it's all neat and tidy for our randomly curious minds. The concept that truth is stranger than fiction mustn't be forgotten when we think about events that happened millenia ago, especially when God was involved (Genesis 17:17, Exodus 14:22, 17:6, etc.) |
I could never keep the kings straight, so made this visual to help. In an age before the Gregorian calendar, being aboslute on the timing is difficult for an amateur. The visualization is based on the reign (in years) of each king. This leaves some subtle discrepancy when compared to how they measure up in the cross reference of the year of the king of the opposite kingdom. But the kings are listed in the right order, and with the right color, whether they're a few pixels off left or right. The prophets names have been added in gray with doted lines because their exact timing is often unkown, but these prophets we at least know what king(s) they interacted with. Here's the table, then more analysis is below:
Tree map of the Apostles. Just needed a relevant excuse to have a Tree Map in here somehow. [data table coming soon...] |
One takeaway to highlight now is that 98% of the history of Bible takes place before the New Testament. Some people today are so confused, or perhaps concerned, that the God of the New Testament is all about love and the God of the Old Testament is all about wrath. Well we can easily find numerous single centuries at a time when God was happy with His people and said so. God's wrath is when His people disgrace Him (Ezekiel 36:22-23) and disregard His commands (essentially making up right and wrong for themselves, 1 Samuel 15:22-23, Isaiah 5:20). [data table coming soon...] Note, I started making this timeline using my own date calculations. And I almost finished it that way. But in the end, for the sake of consistency, I used the dates derived by the late James Ussher (Wikipedia) in his 1658 book, The Annals of the World (which I skimmed free on Google Books). |
The graph looks the same no matter what growth rate percent we use. Only the axis numbers would change in that, the higher the rate, the higher the numbers would be on both axis. Using Usher's genealogic calculations, the Flood happened about 2350 BC. So any population growth needs to allow for the accumulation of 7.88 billion people in the last 4,370 years. Evolutionists, or anyone who believes God used evolution and long ages, think there hasn't been enough time to get this many people. Let's see about that, and start with precedence. Here's a table of human population growth over the last 2 centuries:
The global population climb has't followed a calm, peaceful pattern. It's claimed more people died in the wars of the 20th century than in all previous wars combined. The two biggest were World War I (1914-1918) and World War II (1939-1945). Then add insult to injury, in the same century, dictators may have murdered 100,000,000 of their own people (source). Diseases caused a much higher mortality rate before the world population hit 4 billion, though of course the quantity of people dying from disease is higher now. And there were an estimated 1.72 billion abortions globally between 1973-2003 (in the 40 years following the USA's landmark case Roe v. Wade, source). Here is some analysis:
How many Israelites crossed the sea on dry ground? A straightforward reading of Exodus 12:37 says duh, 600,000. But some people interpret the Hebrew word translated into "thousand" as "clans," as explained in Timothy Mahoney's documentary: Patters of Evidence: The Moses Controversey (link). This other interpretation would put the number of Israelites at only 5-6,000. There is inadequate contextual evidence to definitively interpret the word either way, however there are at least a few reasons to favor the larger number.
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We can also see all these visuals in one Dashboard (here), without all the text and the data tables. Other people with similar ideas: