Favorite Bible Verses Slideshow
“The people were amazed at [ Jesus's] teaching, because He taught them as one who had authority”
Mark 1:22 NIV
This is the launch point for a slideshow of my favorite Bible verses, designed as a demo for use on transparent or Super AMOLED screens, or really any other you care to use where you can make the webpage display full screen. May our televisions be used for the glory of God. Note, with current settings the full slideshow is expected to last about ... minutes (... hours), though loops forever until closed. Click here to view all verses at the same time, without a slideshow. There are 422 verses to cycle through. All verses are loaded at startup and no images are used, total page load size is less than 100KB. Click/​touch a verse reference to load more info. Someday I'd like to add previous and next navigation buttons, pause, share, and randomization, but we'll see... Font size is set to display the verses the same on any resolution and any orientation screen. To invert colors, or change font face, use my customization features, here. Alternatively, you can display using Google Slides, here. (There is no integration, it's just another copy. Hack the URL to adjust the slide duration.) |