Genesis is Logically Superior

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God created everything philosophers care about. He told us so, it was recorded in His word, and all of reality corroborates:

  • Job 38:18-30  hub
  • Psalm 102:25  hub
  • Psalm 115:15  hub
  • Psalm 124:8  hub
  • Proverbs 8:22-31  hub
  • Isaiah 40:28  hub
  • Isaiah 66:1-2  hub
  • 1 Corinthians 1:19-20  hub
  • 1 Corinthians 1:27-29  hub
  • Colossians 2:8  hub
  • Hebrews 11:3  hub

Increased functionality/​usefulness requires intelligence?
Yes. Just because crystals form complex, mathematically explained patterns naturally does not mean natural life-useable information for functionality ever increases on its own. Just because the cloud immediately after a nuclear explosion looks like a mushroom does not mean anything resulting from the explosion is more useful than what was there previously. There is a difference between beauty and information inventing itself. The proliferation of beauty, of symmetry, of harmony, all around us is actually perfectly good evidence of a divine Creator who wanted His creation to make sense and wanted it to be enjoyed (Jeremiah 29:11). Have you ever witnessed productivity improve in nature? I don't mean reproduction, I mean efficiency, capacity, capabilities, etc. Nothing except that which is motivated by intelligence ever becomes more productive. You might witness a random event where something good happened by accident, but productivity never increases on its own. The second law of thermodynamics demands that any closed system deteriorate over time and therefore become less productive/​effective/​efficient. Any true productivity increase requires intelligence. Astronomical and biological evolution would be examples of countless productivity increases so can't be a real phenomenon. (By the way, the eventual destruction of the earth, like aluded to by the second law of thermodynamics, was prophesied in 1 John 2:17.)
» PhysLink: What is a simple definition of the laws of thermodynamics?
» Amazon: Werner Gitt: In the Beginning was Information
» Why are butterflies colored? (Interference)
How could Noah have built a 450-foot wooden boat over 4 millennia ago? We couldn't even do this in the 20th century!
Making the Ark didn't take more skill than making a normal sized boat, it took more labor. Modern ships need to balance many constraints, like being light so they can be fast to maximize fuel efficiency and cross the Atlantic faster, or have a chance of outmaneuvering attackers. They also have to be affordable and constructed in a reasonable amount of time. The Ark could ignore all these concerns. It didn't even need a rudder, it just had to float, be stable, and meet God's specifications (Genesis 6:14-16). As an example, mortise and tenon planking is way too labor intensive for us in the 20th and 21st centuries, but wouldn't have been back then. While the Wyoming (a 450 foot wooden boat) sank in 1924 due to hull stress, it's worth noting that demise happened after over a dozen years of successfully hauling tens of thousands of tons of cargo. Noah's boat only had to last one year.
» Wikipedia: Wyoming (schooner)
» AiG: Thinking Outside the Box
» Mortise & tenon planking (Google Images)
What's this about two 'kinds' of science?
This is nothing new, it's just not discussed in most schools (public nor private). Science is the study of knowledge (or truth) and is a subset of philosophy (which is the study of being). In the name of science, we can observe how things are (observational science) or where they came from (origins science). Observational science has changed our lives dramatically in the last couple of centuries, bringing steam engines, space travel, the Internet, cell phones, etc. Origins, or historical science, is forensics. Criminal forensics, for example, is the use of the scientific method to determine how a crime was committed when either no one (but the perpetrators) observed it, all the eyewitnesses have since died, or there is inadequate obvious evidence & testimony to implicate anyone. But the same techniques can be used to try to answer any questions about the past. The credibility of the former (observational science) should not be shared with the later (origins science). For example, knowing how an airplane works does not help you understand in any way how the first one was invented (created).
» Inventing a Flying Machine
Can we mathematically calculate which model is right?
No, but math does have a lot to say. Like information itself (mentioned in the Biology section above) math and beauty cannot be explained by purely physical or electrical means. Therefore it cannot be explained by evolution. Mathematical concepts exist independent of the physical medium used to express them, and they don't require energy. But key is there is no process nor mechanism by which matter or energy produce new mathematical equations, especially not any which the universe adopts and obeys as it goes along. Saying the laws of nature formed billions of years ago by a non-repeatable process isn't science, at best it's conjecture and at worst it's religion, because that explanation requires faith.

Related, beauty is not a function of evolution. Survival of the fittest (fit means most able to adapt to their environment and survive to reproductive maturity) is a result of evolutionary philosophy. The concept of beauty and aesthetics is not. Information, math, and beauty, are just a result of the mind of God imprinting Himself on the universe He created.
Why can not creationists keep their faith from interfering with their interpretation of the facts?
Since the probability of all components of irreducibly complex systems evolving or otherwise developing independently at the same time are so remote, the second law of thermodynamics flat out contradicts evolution, evolution has never been observed, and there is no evidence at all of one kind of animal turning into another (a fish turning into a horse), it takes at least as much "faith" in evolution as a religious person has in God to believe evolution has ever happened. So it is not a matter of leaving faith out, but instead a matter of choosing what to have faith in (1 Kings 18:21). God did not try to trick us when he created the world, it is our own expectations, presuppositions, and prideful desire to disprove God that get in the way of seeing the truth. By the way, completely blind faith in God is not faith at all, but ignorance. The God of the Bible wants us to be educated (Deuteronomy 6:4-9) about things He has & continues to demonstrate to us and then to trust Him (have faith) on things that we are not able to see or understand (Hebrews 11:1,3). Observable scientific "evidence" alone is not good enough because with enough research we will see that the same evidence is consistently and seemingly convincingly used to prove the points people make from both sides of the argument! This reinforces the point that the real question at hand is not "where did we come from" but instead "can we take God at his word, period?" (Isaiah 2:22, Isaiah 66:2, John 3:32-33 MSG)
» AIG: A look at some myths about scientists
» TalkOrigins, an anti-creationist index to creationist claims
» Quotes about God to consider if you think science leads to atheism
Are Creationists really scientists, or are they just religious zealots with an old book of stories?
While it would be irrational for me to say that nothing good has come from a belief in evolution, it would be just as irrational for me to say that nothing good has come from a belief in creation. My wife saw someone wearing a tee-shirt claiming to list some scientific inventions made by evolutionists and by creationists, and of course the evolutionist list was long and the creationist list was completely empty. Being ignorant is dumb but lying is evil. Let us be clear on some basic facts.
  • 900 years ago science was simply "knowledge gained by study" but only in the last hundred years has the dictionary qualified this to "the physical world", in part to differentiate it from philosophy. Philosophy comes from Greek words meaning "the love of wisdom" and has a broader scope including knowledge (epistemology), reasoning (logic), being in general (metaphysics), beauty (aesthetics), and human conduct (ethics).
  • A scientist is simply someone who uses the scientific method to study something, presumably one of the mainstream sciences. (But remember 'mainstream' is defined by culture and isn't absolute.)
  • The scientific method is a method of research in which a problem is identified, data are gathered, a hypothesis is formed from these data, and the hypothesis is empirically tested. (Note observability and repeatability are critical, and when we can't observe or can't repeat, then the scientific method cannot be used, and forensic-style research must be employed instead.)
  • Here are a few scientists who might be read about in secular history books (minus their religious convictions) who believed in special creation by the God of the Bible.
Remembered For
Francis Bacon
Father of the scientific method (, wikipedia)
Johannes Kepler
Formulated the three laws of planetary motion (wikipedia)
Isaac Newton
Formulated the laws of motion and gravity, computed the nature of planetary orbits, invented the reflecting telescope, co-discovered calculus, etc. (wikipedia)
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Co-discovered calculus (wikipedia)
John Dalton
Father of modern atomic theory, cataloged first periodic chart of the elements (wikipedia)
Michael Faraday
Co-discovered electromagnetic fields, invented the electric motor (creation safaris, wikipedia)
Charles Babbage
The first speedometer and first true automatic computer (creation safaris, wikipedia)
Joseph Henry
Co-discovered electromagnetic fields, one of the original pillars of the Smithsonian Institution & National Academy of Sciences, insights into electromagnetic relay lead to the electrical telegraph (creation safaris, wikipedia)
James Prescott Joule
Developed what became first law of thermodynamics, got a unit of energy named after him (creation safaris, wikipedia)
Louis Pasteur
Proved biogenesis, formulator of the germ theory of disease (wikipedia)
William Thomson
First to clearly state the second law of thermodynamics (disbelieved in evolution but not exactly a creationist, creation safaris, wikipedia)
James Clerk Maxwell
Formulated the unified equations of electromagnetic fields (light, magnetism & electricity), made first color photograph (wikipedia, ASA3)
Max Planck
Founder of quantum physics (wikipedia)
Raymond Vahan Damadian
Invented the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner (wikipedia)

These people were not religious zealots, they were rational people who used the scientific method to learn about the universe and then asked themselves what they could do with that knowledge. A person's presuppositions about creation are not a qualifier nor disqualifier for whether or not a person can be considered a true scientist. Note the reason I haven't listed many recent (currently living) creationists is there are too many, and modern scientists are obscure. These listed above are world famous. For modern creationists, check how many authors there are on this sampling of famous creation apologetic (defending) ministries:
Further, a lady in India in 2003 published a book on statistical analysis of Nobel Prize Laureates (winners) from 1901-2000. She determined that almost two-thirds of the winners were identifiable as Christian, and more than one fifth were Jewish. In the field of chemistry, specifically, Christians were awarded over 70% of the time, and over 60% in both physics and medicine (biology). Her book was titled 100 Years of Nobel Prizes, available on Google Books, here, or Amazon, here, and there was a corollary blog on, here.
» Quotes about God to consider... if you think science leads to atheism.
» AIG: Can Creationists Be Scientists
» Amazon: Fred Heeren's Show Me God (see especially bonus section 1: fifty believers who lead the way in science)
» Wikipedia: Thomas Kuhn's the Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Why did most cultures in the world share a 7 day week?
Anyone who doesn't believe in Genesis 1 (hopefully most Jews, Christians, and Muslims believe it) will probably answer (if they've put any thought into it) the 7 day week comes from the moon. The lunar cycle is about 28 days, with each quarter cycle being about 7 days. But it's not 7, it's almost 7.5. That means the full moon isn't on the same day of the week for 7-9 months. If this were really the cultural backstory for the week, wouldn't many (at least some) cultures have invoked a leap day?

As comparison, the yearly calendar used in Christendom (and to some extent the whole world, due to computers and business globalization) isn't based on Genesis 1, it was invented by the Romans. They were smart enough to know if they fixed the year to either 365 or 366 days, then it wouldn't be long before it was snowing in August but not January, and then back again. So they included one extra day every 4 years to keep the seasons consistent year after year, century after century. No one bothered to do this for the week. You know why? Because the moon wasn't the basis for the week, Creation was. And everyone who walked away from Babel in Genesis 11, regardless of the language they spoke, knew it. The fact that the moon rotates around the earth about once a month is just a coincidence, or even better, a test (Deuteronomy 4:19, 13:1-3, Zechariah 13:9).
» Wiki: Lunar phase
» Wiki: Gregorian calendar
What about Occam's Razor?
In general this asserts that all things being equal, the simplest solution is the best. It also includes minimizing assumptions. None of us are informed enough to know that evolution nor creation are truly "simpler". However, that being said, there is nothing that even comes close to explaining why the universe is orderly if the Big Bang was real. There is no reason the laws of physics should exist, there is no reason the universe should be consistent. Yet they do and it is. There was nothing to cause the laws of physics to form, and even if there was (which there was not) then how did they form with such simple equations? (Is the universe "simple-minded"? If so then why has it obviously matured but not obviously gotten smarter?) Creation is not a concept by itself, it is a package deal with the Bible (or the Jewish Torah) which is why it is so hard for some to stomach. Let us consider a summary of what evolutionists think is too "complicated" to be possible.
  1. God made the entire universe and everything in it. (Genesis 1:1) If you want to play the causality game and now ask "who or what caused God" then see one of the links at the bottom of this answer. More to the point now is that God created the universe. We know because He told us but He did not tell us He had a beginning. (Isaiah 26:4, Jeremiah 10:10, Romans 1:20)
  2. God made Satan but then Satan decided he was better than his Creator, deserved to take God's place and attempted a coup. (Isaiah 14:12-15, Revelation 12:7-9)
  3. Satan and his followers fail and are put in their place. (Luke 10:18, 2 Peter 2:4, Jude 1:6)
  4. Satan is furious with God and resolves to do anything he can to attempt to hurt God (Revelation 13:6). Since humanity is God's favorite creation, Satan realizes the best way to try to hurt God is to trick us into turning against God too. God allows Satan to try this (Job 1:6-12, Job 2:1-7) in order to allow us to choose for ourselves between good and evil. (Genesis 2:16-17, Proverbs 1:32-33)
  5. Satan appeals to Eve's pride and lust, as well as Adam's pride and complacency, and convinces them to commit the first human sin. (Genesis 3:1-7)
  6. All of mankind (which was just two people at the time, but has grown) is cursed by God for our disobedience, and the universe with us. (Genesis 3:8-24, Romans 8:20-22)
  7. Satan and his followers exploit their supernatural powers and continue to use our pride, lust and complacency against us in an effort to keep us from the purpose God created us for. (Acts 17:26-27, 2 Corinthians 4:4, 2 Corinthians 11:14-15, 1 Peter 5:8)
  8. We play right into Satan's trap and some of us choose not to believe the truth, condemning ourselves to confusion, doubt, and conflict in life and damnation after that. (Mark 16:16, John 3:36, John 5:24, John 8:31-32)
  9. Some of us realize what is going on and notice that what the Bible says seems to fit the facts. Some of these believers go out into various places around the world and encourage strangers to believe in the God of the Bible. Amazing wonders and miracles happen to and around those who believe Jesus. When these miracles occasionally defy the laws of physics they essentially prove that the God in whose name these miracles happen is real. (Acts 12:6-10, Acts 28:1-10, Hebrews 2:4)
  10. Jesus came to Earth to prove God loves us in a way we can relate to and that fulfilled the prophecies He gave the prophets hundreds (and thousands) of years prior. And He says He will come again. His first visit was as savior (John 3:16) and His second will be as judge (Matthew 16:27). We only get one chance at life then we continue to live with the consequences of our choices in life for eternity (Hebrews 9:27).
This may be "deep" but it is not more "complicated" than evolution. I would even argue it's simpler.
» Wikipedia: Occam's Razor
» ICR: Everything has a cause
» AIG: If God created the universe, then who created God?
» Jesus Freaks (DC Talk)
» End of the Spear
Why can't Christians just work to redefine "evolution" to mean "natural selection"?
Because we must realize there is literally a spiritual war going on (2 Corinthians 10:3-5) and this would send a mixed message to the world. Any attempt at this is missing the point. The strongest proponents of molecules to man evolution don't want to believe in God. They love it when creationists use their terminology because then they can truthfully read your quotes word for word, out of context, to people who are undecided and easily convince them of the lie. Can you imagine moving to Israel and setting up a new humanitarian aid group, honestly hoping to help Jews and others alike, but naming it a concentration camp and having a corporate identity (symbol) of the swastika rather than the red cross? That would be ridiculous, you would never redefine those things for the Jews because it would dishonor the people who suffered from the ideas that symbol represented. The idea of redefining evolution would not only fail for similar reasons, but it would also simply be legalistic and have no impact on truly reaching people with the Truth of God. This would be just a needless compromise with evolutionists. Because they know that good people tire and all people rebel, and eventually our efforts to redefine the word will grow weak and we will be in such a habit of using their terminology that we will adopt their theology, too. The only thing (as far as evolution goes) for a believer in Jesus Christ (or even a Jew) to do is to lovingly, educatedly, encourage people that the Bible is the word of God and that it should be taken as serious Truth. If you do not take my word for it then read what God says in the Old Testament in Exodus 23:13,33, Deuteronomy 7:25 and Deuteronomy 12:4,29-32, or in the new with Colossians 2:8 and 2 Timothy 2:23-26.

By the way, in some circles "natural selection" is also referred to as "microevolution." This is not a good idea for Christians for similar reasons as just stated.

Last Modified: Friday, January 26, 2024