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Biblical Gender Identity![]() Section: Intro ⋅ Single ⋅ Marriage ⋅ Adultery ⋅ Living Together Not Married ⋅ Prostitution ⋅
1. This is a mature topic only intended for people who've at least begun puberty. If you are less than 13 years old then I pray you don't have any reason to concern yourself with this yet, and you should ask a trustworthy adult before reading this. (My Family in the Bible page (here) is meant for all ages.)
2. This summary is not intended for general counseling, it is for those who want to know what the Bible says on this topic, and for those who claim the Bible is silent or says the opposite, plus a little commentary to get us started on what it means and how all this fits in a Biblical worldview. |
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Cross Dressing, Transvestite, Transgender ⚧
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Our gender (characterized by social and cultural roles and behavior) is intended to be firmly grounded in our sex (characterized by our genes which dictate our reproductive functions and are determined at fertilization). Direct
Everything God makes has integrity. Meaning what you see on the outside is indicative of what's on the inside. People prefer to be more nebulous and mysterious, and when we dislike ourselves after comparing to others then we'll quickly excuse ourselves to be completely fake. Having surgery to change our body features doesn't change our genes. If God disapproves of switching clothes and emasculation, then it's not a stretch to think He disapproves of surgery to switch organs, or otherwise adopting a gender that's misaligned to our genes. That said, there are the thoughts that pop into our brain, the thoughts we dwell on, and our actions. God doesn't condemn us just because we had an idea, it's what we do with that idea (Genesis 4:7). For those who struggle with sin (this sin or others) then I sympathize, it's not fun. But we must rise to the challenge, make choices to architect our environment to be a healthy influence, find good role models who make it easier, and sometimes even break loose from our bad role models (1 Corinthians 15:33). Society owes everyone good role models, but when it fails don't let that be an excuse for resentment (nor sin), because the world is what we make of it. Seek good role models and avoid bad ones, even if you have to go out of your way (Romans 12:9). Males competing in professional sports or any serious sport against females just because they claim they are females are clearly just gaming the system, and this is immoral. Males playing with females in co-ed sports teams are perfectly fine as long as all players and stakeholders are aware upfront and ok. But allowing men to compete with women for no reason other than because they claim they are women is just men abusing their political power and turning women into victims. If we take the clothing verse literally then we can't even allow actors (thespians) to wear the costume of opposite gender characters. Acting is understood to be fiction, and isn't the point here. When we take this seriously (as opposed to literally) we can make the distinction that acting is a tolerable exception to this because it's fake. Same for children pretending to be grownups. This concept is intended for reality, not the world of fiction. Similarly, this isn't a question of whether the jeans that girl's wearing came from the men's or women's department. When we ask why God said what He did above in Deuteronomy 22:5, in the context of God's character it's pretty clear He doesn't care about our fashion style, rather He cares when we appear to be the opposite gender than He created us with, with the intent to deceive. And it's not just that God is lazy and hates transvestites. He loves people, He is love (1 John 4:8), but He is jealous (Exodus 34:14) and hates sin (Isaiah 61:8). When we choose to sin and then tell God He's wrong for defining our actions that way, He understandably gets ticked (Isaiah 45:9).2 Related, it's conceivably possible to wear drag without displeasing God (like acting), just as it's possible to dance or drink alcoholic beverages without displeasing Him, but these are activities you have to be careful with because they can easily and quickly degrade with lack of intentionality. And there's a difference between a man trying to make people believe he's a woman and a man who people perceive as effeminate. Being labeled as "effeminate" by society (such as a sports jock picking on a non-jock) is not a sin of the accused but of the accuser (Matthew 7:1-5, Romans 14:10). But don't use this as an excuse. (By the way, this isn't to say all judging is sin. We were commanded to judge, too: Luke 12:57, John 7:24. The key is we're to show discernment while leaving condemnation up to God.) What's permanent is fundamentally different than what's superficial. Even surgery to change organs and constant hormone treatments don't change the genes in the DNA in every cell in your body. DNA can be used to tell if you were designed by God to be male or female regardless of what's been done to your organs and hormones. Getting a so-called sex change is inadvisable from a Biblical perspective, coping with your God-given sex is advisable. But if a person has bothered to make the switch, it's not productive for the rest of us to worry about how they were born in every circumstance. Namely, bathrooms and locker rooms are supposed to be segregated by sex, not by gender/race/marital status/etc. When people need to use a bathroom the golden rule should apply. (Jesus gave us this in Matthew 7:12/Luke 6:31.) Because there's a huge difference between spending thousands of dollars and undergoing serious permanent surgery to change your biological sex (however superficial) versus simply claiming you identify with the opposite gender than your DNA declares. As a general rule, if you have the reproductive organs of those represented by the label on the door, then you should be allowed to enter. However, which gender you identify with should be irrelevant to which bathroom or locker room door you may pass through.3 Despite it's cultural popularity and recent recognition by medical organizations and courts, transgender doesn't exist, only gender dysphoria. The transgender movement is misguided at best, and the recently invented term cisgender is the only Biblical advice. Whether someone we know or one of our kids "comes out" as "trans" makes no difference what-so-ever on God's opinion on human sexuality, as clearly expressed in His word. Worse than being gender dysphoric is encouraging others to be so. Here's a great quote on the self-contradictory nature of the transgender movement: Many of those who feel distress over their bodily sex know that they aren’t really the opposite sex, and do not wish to “transition.” They wish to receive help in coming to identify with and accept their bodily self. They don’t think their feelings of gender dysphoria define reality. But transgender activists do. Regardless of whether they identify as “cisgender” or “transgender,” the activists promote a highly subjective and incoherent worldview.God doesn't want us to be confused with our identity, it's supposed to be easy (Deuteronomy 30:11-14, Isaiah 45:19). Sex reassignment surgeries and cross dressing add unnecessary complications. Churches, church schools, and church camps should lead the culture and be the guardian of God's word, which is our most valuable asset. A Christian sending their kid to a Muslim camp would expect their kids to learn accurate instruction from the Quran, or a Hindu camp with the Gita, or an atheist camp and evolution. Christians should never apologize for teaching morality from the Bible, rather we should brag about it. But we should only do it if we're going to accurately represent the God of the Bible, which requires knowing His word and His will, and knowing science that He invented. Men are born male and die male, and women are born female and die female, no matter how many surgeries they have, shrinks they visit, tears they shed, or insults they endure. Everyone will be healthier when the church helps people confront and cope with this reality, and learn to recognize and reject the lies our culture is forcing on them. This will always be better than if the church tries to meet people where they are and help them "make decisions" about their gender, or help them "feel comfortable" about a decision they previously made to misalign their gender from their sex. The Bible warns us against thinking and acting the way the world does many times (Leviticus 18:3, Isaiah 8:11, Ezekiel 11:12 GNT, John 15:18-19, James 4:4, Revelation 3:15-16). We don't choose the body we're born into (our sex) any more than we choose the family we're born into. Pretending our slightly subjective gender is all important and our objective sex is irrelevant is at best wishful thinking. ![]() ![]() ![]() Last Modified: Friday, December 08, 2023 |
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