Biblical Gender IdentitySection:
1. This is a mature topic only intended for people who've at least begun puberty. If you are less than 13 years old then I pray you don't have any reason to concern yourself with this yet, and you should ask a trustworthy adult before reading this. (My Family in the Bible page (here) is meant for all ages.)
2. This summary is not intended for general counseling, it is for those who want to know what the Bible says on this topic, and for those who claim the Bible is silent or says the opposite, plus a little commentary to get us started on what it means and how all this fits in a Biblical worldview. |
Introduction ♂ ♀
In the beginning Satan asked Eve "did God really say?" (Genesis 3:1) and we still ask each other that same question today. God made us in His image (Genesis 1:26) and we desperately want to return the favor (if not take his place). The concept of "be holy because I am holy" is expressed in both the Old and New Testaments (Leviticus 19:2, 1 Peter 1:15-16) and the whole world today seems to struggle tremendously with this. So this page is dedicated to making sure we're clear on what God's word says about human sexuality, including gender identity, because what God says is important (Ephesians 5:17). As a technicality, here are some definitions from dictionary.com. Gender is "either the male or female division of a species, especially as differentiated by social and cultural roles and behavior." Sex is "either the male or female division of a species, especially as differentiated with reference to the reproductive functions." Gender identity then relates to whether we identify with (consider ourselves to be, and choose to exemplify) males or females. To be identified as, or identify with, male or female is (should be) an objective, scientific event that owes no consideration to thoughts, feelings, or politics. The branch of science this falls under is biology, and to even insinuate biological sexuality is subjective is an insult to science and human intelligence. However, our sexual desires and our behaviors are far more subjective, and fit more into the branch of science known as psychology, and maybe sociology. Gender identity should be a black and white, simple concept that mirrors our biological, binary sex. But the culture I live in denies this simplicity and pretends the subjective is more important than the objective. Arguably the most obvious element in gender identity is how males and females should relate to each other, including but not limited to the activity of sex. When the word "sex" is used (whether there is an intent to reproduce or not), it's not being used as a verb but rather as an idiom. (The idiom is what most of us think of when we hear this term, and is usually how this word is used in this page.) Perversion of the male-female relationship has repeatedly proven in human history to be something every society struggles with, and is the exclusive basis for segregation in public places like bathrooms, locker rooms, and dormitories. The first two humans were clearly & distinctly made either male or female (Genesis 1:27). Still today, everyone is born with either a chromosome pair XX (female) or XY (male) and they have distinct, God-given characteristics (both mental and physical) as a result. Granted a small fraction of people are exceptions to this, such as a single X or XXY, which are medically referred to as a disease, but this is the result of a fallen world and generalizations aren't obligated to cover rare exceptions. More to the point is, not everyone is given clear role models while growing up, and the human psyche is a complex thing, therefore we can sometimes form distorted perceptions of our own gender and the role of sexual activity in our lives. But just because we can doesn't mean we may or should, and definitely doesn't mean we should enact laws inventing rights for those who do. A better response is to make sure everyone has healthy role models and just as important (if not more) is to make sure everyone understands and appreciates what our Creator, God, has already told us. Just because millions of people are confused on this topic doesn't make it complicated. It means those people aren't clear on (or disapprove of) the opinion of their Creator. More to the point, it's only confusing when we want to please both God and man (James 4:4-5). If we put either first then this topic is really simple. A Biblical worldview involves always choosing to please our Creator over ourself (or anyone else) when we have to choose (Acts 5:29). To a non-believer, this whole concept is basically moot. The first priority for a non-believer is that God loves them (John 3:16). Once we acknowledge that, then we need to care about what God cares about, and we have an obligation to all who would come after us and look up to us (1 Corinthians 5:9-13, 1 Timothy 4:12). As believers in God, followers of Jesus Christ, we should care about what God cares about and do what He asks (Matthew 7:21) as revealed in His word, the Bible. It's not just that He wants us to avoid "crossing the line" of sin, He wants us to be holy (Ephesians 5:3, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8, 2 Timothy 2:19). God doesn't micromanage our cultural norms, but He does dictate our biological sex, and He's been shown not to approve when we confuse the issue. God created people either male or female (Genesis 5:1-2, Matthew 19:4) and still continues to today. Gender Dysphoria is a condition when we divorce our gender identity from our genetically assigned sex. Gender identity is real easy. Our gender should have a direct correlation to our biological binary sex. But the real issue then, as sexual creatures, is sexual immorality. Below are some pages that explore how the God of the Bible has gone out of His way to tell us how He designed life to be, and more specifically, His expectations for our behavior and the thoughts we entertain, on the topic of gender relations. This is not about criticizing anyone, this is about educating the innocent. We all have a tendency to justify our own opinions and actions (Proverbs 16:2) so let's be clear on the boundaries our Creator has set, within which we should define appropriate behavior and our gender identity.
(Use the right pointing arrow below to advance to the next section of this webpage, which has been split for mobile reading.)
Last Modified: Friday, December 08, 2023 |