Bible Stories

Bible Stories

“I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart;
I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.”
Psalms 9:1 NIV

This is an original presentation of all and only the stories in the Bible... (show more intro)

Creation (GE 1:1-2:4) Creation (GE 1:1-2:4) ∴ --›››
Adam & Eve (GE 2:4-Ω) Adam & Eve (GE 2:4-Ω) ∶ --›››
Rebellion & fall of man (GE 3) Rebellion & fall of man (GE 3) ∶ ‹‹‹--››
Cain & Abel (GE 4:1-16) Cain & Abel (GE 4:1-16) ∶ --››››
Cain’s descendents (GE 4:17-5:5) Cain’s descendents (GE 4:17-5:5) ⋅ --››
Noah & the ark (GE 5:28-7:12) Noah & the ark (GE 5:28-7:12) ∴ --››››
Global flood (GE 7:13-8:19) Global flood (GE 7:13-8:19) ∶ ‹‹--››
Post flood covenant (GE 8:20-9:17) Post flood covenant (GE 8:20-9:17) ∶ ‹‹--››
Noah’s vineyard (GE 9:18-Ω) Noah’s vineyard (GE 9:18-Ω) ⋅ -›››
Tower of Babel (GE 11:1-9) Tower of Babel (GE 11:1-9) ⋅ ‹‹‹--››

Job tested (JOB 1-2) Job tested (JOB 1-2) ∴ --
God rebukes Job (JOB 40) God rebukes Job (JOB 40) ⋅ ‹‹--›››
Job vindicated (JOB 42) Job vindicated (JOB 42) ∶ --

Abram & Sarai obey God (GE 11:26-12:9) Abram & Sarai obey God (GE 11:26-12:9) ∶ -
Abram, Sarai, Pharaoh, & Lot (GE 12:10-13:Ω) Abram, Sarai, Pharaoh, & Lot (GE 12:10-13:Ω) ∶ ‹‹--
Abram rescues Lot & family (GE 14) Abram rescues Lot & family (GE 14) ∶ --
God’s covenant with Abram (GE 15) God’s covenant with Abram (GE 15) ∶ ‹‹‹--
Sarai, Hagar, & Ishmael (GE 16) Sarai, Hagar, & Ishmael (GE 16) ⋅ ‹‹--
God renews the covenant with Abram (GE 17) God renews the covenant with Abram (GE 17) ∶ ‹‹‹--
Abraham and Sarah promised a son (GE 18) Abraham and Sarah promised a son (GE 18) ∴ ‹‹‹‹--
Sodom & Gomorrah destroyed (GE 19:1-29) Sodom & Gomorrah destroyed (GE 19:1-29) ∴ ‹‹--
Lot’s daughter’s bad ideas (GE 19:30-Ω) Lot’s daughter’s bad ideas (GE 19:30-Ω) ⋅ ‹‹--
Abraham, Sarah, & Abimelech (GE 20) Abraham, Sarah, & Abimelech (GE 20) ∶ ‹‹--
Isaac born, Ishmael exiled (GE 21:1-21) Isaac born, Ishmael exiled (GE 21:1-21) ∶ ‹‹‹‹-
Abraham’s faith is tested with Isaac (GE 22:1-19) Abraham’s faith is tested with Isaac (GE 22:1-19) ∶ --››
Burying Sarah (GE 23) Burying Sarah (GE 23) ∶ -
Arranging a marriage (GE 24:1-32) Arranging a marriage (GE 24:1-32) ∴ ‹‹-
Engagement of Rebecca & Isaac (GE 24:33-Ω) Engagement of Rebecca & Isaac (GE 24:33-Ω) ∴ ‹‹--
Burying Abraham (GE 25:1-11) Burying Abraham (GE 25:1-11) ⋅ ‹‹--
Jacob, Esau, & the birthright (GE 25:19-Ω) Jacob, Esau, & the birthright (GE 25:19-Ω) ⋅ --
Isaac & Abimelek (GE 26:1-33) Isaac & Abimelek (GE 26:1-33) ∴ -
Jacob, Easu, & the blessing (GE 26:34-27:40) Jacob, Easu, & the blessing (GE 26:34-27:40) ∴ ‹‹--
Jacob’s quest, dream (GE 27:41-28:Ω) Jacob’s quest, dream (GE 27:41-28:Ω) ∴ ‹‹‹‹--
Jacob, Rachel, & Leah (GE 29:1-30) Jacob, Rachel, & Leah (GE 29:1-30) ∶ --
Jacob’s first 11 sons (GE 29:31-30:24) Jacob’s first 11 sons (GE 29:31-30:24) ∶ ‹‹--
Jacob & Laban’s sheep (GE 30:25-31:21) Jacob & Laban’s sheep (GE 30:25-31:21) ∷ --
Jacob leaves Laban (GE 31:22-Ω) Jacob leaves Laban (GE 31:22-Ω) ∴ ‹‹-
Preparing for reunion (GE 32:1-21) Preparing for reunion (GE 32:1-21) ∶ ‹‹‹--
Jacob wrestles with God (GE 32:22-Ω) Jacob wrestles with God (GE 32:22-Ω) ⋅ --››
Jacob & Esau reunited (GE 33) Jacob & Esau reunited (GE 33) ∶ --
Simeon & Levi trick the Canaanites (GE 34) Simeon & Levi trick the Canaanites (GE 34) ∴ ‹‹--
Jacob relocates, 12th son, end of Rachel & Isaac (GE 35) Jacob relocates, 12th son, end of Rachel & Isaac (GE 35) ∶ ‹‹‹‹--

Joseph’s dreams (GE 37) Joseph’s dreams (GE 37) ∴ --
Joseph & his master’s wife (GE 39) Joseph & his master’s wife (GE 39) ∶ --
Tamar & Judah (GE 38) Tamar & Judah (GE 38) ∴ --››››
Joseph in jail (GE 40) Joseph in jail (GE 40) ∶ --
Pharaoh’s dreams (GE 41:1-36) Pharaoh’s dreams (GE 41:1-36) ∴ --››
Joseph’s rise (GE 41:37-Ω) Joseph’s rise (GE 41:37-Ω) ∶ --
Joseph’s family needs food (GE 42) Joseph’s family needs food (GE 42) ∷ ‹‹‹‹--
Joseph’s family needs food again (GE 43) Joseph’s family needs food again (GE 43) ∴ ‹‹--
Joseph traps his brothers (GE 44) Joseph traps his brothers (GE 44) ∴ ‹‹--
Joseph reveals himself (GE 45:1-46:7) Joseph reveals himself (GE 45:1-46:7) ∴ --
Jacob goes to Egypt (GE 46:26-47:12) Jacob goes to Egypt (GE 46:26-47:12) ∷ -
Years of famine (GE 47:13-27) Years of famine (GE 47:13-27) ∶ -
Jacob’s final days (GE 47:28-48:Ω) Jacob’s final days (GE 47:28-48:Ω) ∴ ‹‹‹-
Jacob’s final words (GE 49:1-50:3) Jacob’s final words (GE 49:1-50:3) ∴ ‹‹-
Joseph’s final years (GE 50:4-Ω) Joseph’s final years (GE 50:4-Ω) ∶ -›››

Moses, born & raised in Egypt (EX 1:6-2:10) Moses, born & raised in Egypt (EX 1:6-2:10) ∶ --
Moses flees Egypt (EX 2:11-Ω) Moses flees Egypt (EX 2:11-Ω) ∶ --
Moses & the burning bush (EX 3:1-4:18) Moses & the burning bush (EX 3:1-4:18) ∷ --
Moses returns to Egypt (EX 4:19-Ω) Moses returns to Egypt (EX 4:19-Ω) ⋅ ‹‹--
Moses’s first plea with Pharaoh (EX 5:1-6:13) Moses’s first plea with Pharaoh (EX 5:1-6:13) ∴ --
Plagues begin (EX 6:28-7:Ω) Plagues begin (EX 6:28-7:Ω) ∴ --
Next five plagues (EX 8:1-9:12) Next five plagues (EX 8:1-9:12) ∷ --
Crop destruction (EX 9:13-10:20) Crop destruction (EX 9:13-10:20) ∷ -
Darkness delivered & death promised (EX 10:21-11:Ω) Darkness delivered & death promised (EX 10:21-11:Ω) ∶ -
Final plague (Passover), exodus (EX 12:21-42) Final plague (Passover), exodus (EX 12:21-42) ∶ ‹‹‹‹--›››

God parts the Red Sea (EX 13:17-14:Ω) God parts the Red Sea (EX 13:17-14:Ω) ∷ ‹‹‹--
Water, meat, & manna in the desert (EX 15:22-16:Ω) Water, meat, & manna in the desert (EX 15:22-16:Ω) ∷ ‹‹‹‹--
Rephidim: water & war: Amalekites (EX 17) Rephidim: water & war: Amalekites (EX 17) ∶ -››
Moses’s father-in-law brings relief (EX 18) Moses’s father-in-law brings relief (EX 18) ∴ ‹‹‹--
Mount Sinai (EX 19) Mount Sinai (EX 19) ∶ --
10 commandments (EX 20:1-21) 10 commandments (EX 20:1-21) ∶ --
God’s invitations (EX 23:20-24:Ω) God’s invitations (EX 23:20-24:Ω) ∴ --
Offerings for the Tabernacle (EX 25:10-22) Offerings for the Tabernacle (EX 25:10-22) ⋅ --
Golden calf (EX 31:12-32:Ω) Golden calf (EX 31:12-32:Ω) ∷ ‹‹‹-
Moses sees God’s face (EX 33:1-34:11) Moses sees God’s face (EX 33:1-34:11) ∴ --
Moses’s phosphorescence (EX 34:27-Ω) Moses’s phosphorescence (EX 34:27-Ω) ⋅ -››
Aaron’s sons killed (LEV 9:22-10:11) Aaron’s sons killed (LEV 9:22-10:11) ∶ ‹‹‹‹--››››
Highlights of God-defined morality (LEV 18-20) Highlights of God-defined morality (LEV 18-20) ∷ --
A half Israelite blasphemes (LEV 24:10-Ω) A half Israelite blasphemes (LEV 24:10-Ω) ⋅ --
Travel stipulations (NUM 9:15-23) Travel stipulations (NUM 9:15-23) ⋅ --
Marching conditions (NUM 10:29-11:3) Marching conditions (NUM 10:29-11:3) ⋅ --
Meat demanded, leaders chosen (NUM 11:4-Ω) Meat demanded, leaders chosen (NUM 11:4-Ω) ∴ ‹‹‹‹--
Moses’s family problems (NUM 12) Moses’s family problems (NUM 12) ⋅ ‹‹‹‹--

Spies sent into Canaan (NUM 13:1-14:10) Spies sent into Canaan (NUM 13:1-14:10) ∴ ‹‹‹‹‹--
Price of rebellion (NUM 14:11-Ω) Price of rebellion (NUM 14:11-Ω) ∴ ‹‹‹--
Korah’s rebellion (NUM 16:1-35) Korah’s rebellion (NUM 16:1-35) ∴ ‹‹‹‹--›››
Korah’s sympathizers (NUM 16:36-Ω) Korah’s sympathizers (NUM 16:36-Ω) ∶ ‹‹‹--
Sprouting walking stick (NUM 17) Sprouting walking stick (NUM 17) ⋅ --
End of Miriam, Moses and Aaron’s slip up (NUM 20:1-13) End of Miriam, Moses and Aaron’s slip up (NUM 20:1-13) ⋅ ‹‹‹‹--
End of Aaron (NUM 20:22-21:3) End of Aaron (NUM 20:22-21:3) ⋅ --
Bronze snake (NUM 21:4-9) Bronze snake (NUM 21:4-9) ⋅ ‹‹--›››
Occupation begins: Sihon & Og (NUM 21:21-Ω) Occupation begins: Sihon & Og (NUM 21:21-Ω) ∶ ‹‹‹--››
Balaam hired by Moab & Midian (NUM 22:1-40) Balaam hired by Moab & Midian (NUM 22:1-40) ∷ -››
Balaam’s first two prophecies (NUM 22:41-23:26) Balaam’s first two prophecies (NUM 22:41-23:26) ∶ --
Balaam’s two more prophecies (NUM 23:27-24:Ω) Balaam’s two more prophecies (NUM 23:27-24:Ω) ∶ --
Phinehas saves Israel from their promiscuity (NUM 25) Phinehas saves Israel from their promiscuity (NUM 25) ∶ ‹‹‹--››
Joshua commissioned (NUM 27:12-Ω) Joshua commissioned (NUM 27:12-Ω) ⋅ ‹‹-
Phinehas victory over Midian (NUM 31) Phinehas victory over Midian (NUM 31) ∷ ‹‹‹‹--
Reuben & Gad settle (NUM 32) Reuben & Gad settle (NUM 32) ∷ -
Highlights from the Covenant, pt 1 (DT 6:4-7:15) Highlights from the Covenant, pt 1 (DT 6:4-7:15) ∴ ‹‹--
Highlights from the Covenant, pt 2 (DT 8:10-9:6) Highlights from the Covenant, pt 2 (DT 8:10-9:6) ∶ --
End of Moses (DT 34) End of Moses (DT 34) ⋅ ‹‹‹--››
God talks with Joshua (JOS 1) God talks with Joshua (JOS 1) ∶ ‹‹-
Rahab hides the spies (JOS 2) Rahab hides the spies (JOS 2) ∶ ‹‹‹--››

God stops the Jordan river (JOS 3) God stops the Jordan river (JOS 3) ∶ ‹‹--
12 stones memorial (JOS 4:1-5:1) 12 stones memorial (JOS 4:1-5:1) ∶ ‹‹-
Circumcision, passover, end of manna (JOS 5:2-12) Circumcision, passover, end of manna (JOS 5:2-12) ⋅ ‹‹‹‹‹--
Defeating Jericho (JOS 5:13-6:Ω) Defeating Jericho (JOS 5:13-6:Ω) ∴ ‹‹‹‹--››
Achan’s disobedience & consequences (JOS 7) Achan’s disobedience & consequences (JOS 7) ∴ --››
Defeating Ai (JOS 8:1-29) Defeating Ai (JOS 8:1-29) ∴ ‹‹--
Mount Gerizim & Ebal (JOS 8:30-Ω) Mount Gerizim & Ebal (JOS 8:30-Ω) ⋅ ‹‹‹‹--
Gibeonite Cunning, Israelite Conundrum (JOS 9) Gibeonite Cunning, Israelite Conundrum (JOS 9) ∴ ‹‹‹--
Defending Gibeon (the Sun stands still) (JOS 10:1-27) Defending Gibeon (the Sun stands still) (JOS 10:1-27) ∴ ‹‹‹--
God judges the southern nations (JOS 10:28-Ω) God judges the southern nations (JOS 10:28-Ω) ∶ ‹‹‹‹--››
Conquest against the north (JOS 11) Conquest against the north (JOS 11) ∴ ‹‹‹‹--
Caleb gets a town (JOS 14:6-15) Caleb gets a town (JOS 14:6-15) ⋅ ‹‹‹--
Caleb gets his chance, his daughter gets more inheritance (JOS 15:13-19) Caleb gets his chance, his daughter gets more inheritance (JOS 15:13-19) ⋅ ‹‹--
Mannaseh’s and Ephraim’s inheritance complication (JOS 17:14-18) Mannaseh’s and Ephraim’s inheritance complication (JOS 17:14-18) ⋅ --
Divvying up the land (JOS 18:1-10) Divvying up the land (JOS 18:1-10) ⋅ ‹‹‹-››
Scare of civil war (JOS 21:43-22:12) Scare of civil war (JOS 21:43-22:12) ∶ ‹‹‹‹‹--
War averted (JOS 22:13-Ω) War averted (JOS 22:13-Ω) ∴ ‹‹‹‹--
Israelite failures (JDG 1:27-2:6) Israelite failures (JDG 1:27-2:6) ∶ ‹‹‹‹‹--
Joshua’s reminder for the people (JOS 24:1-28) Joshua’s reminder for the people (JOS 24:1-28) ∶ ‹‹‹‹‹--
Burying Joshua, Joseph, & Eleazar (JOS 24:29-Ω) Burying Joshua, Joseph, & Eleazar (JOS 24:29-Ω) ⋅ ‹‹‹‹--

Poor generational transition & consequences (JDG 2:7-3:6) Poor generational transition & consequences (JDG 2:7-3:6) ∶ ‹‹‹‹‹--››››
First few judges (Othniel, Ehud, & Shamgar) (JDG 3:7-Ω) First few judges (Othniel, Ehud, & Shamgar) (JDG 3:7-Ω) ∶ ‹‹‹--

Micah & Danites, pt 1 (JDG 17:1-18:6) Micah & Danites, pt 1 (JDG 17:1-18:6) ∶ ‹‹‹--
Micah & Danites, pt 2 (JDG 18:7-Ω) Micah & Danites, pt 2 (JDG 18:7-Ω) ∴ ‹‹‹‹‹--
Levite & concubine assaulted (JDG 19) Levite & concubine assaulted (JDG 19) ∴ ‹‹‹--
Civil war ensues (JDG 20:1-28) Civil war ensues (JDG 20:1-28) ∴ ‹‹‹‹‹--
Civil war concludes (JDG 20:29-Ω) Civil war concludes (JDG 20:29-Ω) ∶ ‹‹‹--
Reconciliation after civil war (JDG 21) Reconciliation after civil war (JDG 21) ∴ ‹‹‹--

Naomi & Ruth (RU 1) Naomi & Ruth (RU 1) ∶ --
Ruth & Naomi (RU 2) Ruth & Naomi (RU 2) ∴ -
Ruth & Boaz (RU 3) Ruth & Boaz (RU 3) ∶ --
Boaz & Ruth (RU 4:1-17) Boaz & Ruth (RU 4:1-17) ∶ ‹‹--›››

Deborah & Barak (JDG 4) Deborah & Barak (JDG 4) ∴ ‹‹--
Gideon visited by angel (JDG 6:1-24) Gideon visited by angel (JDG 6:1-24) ∴ ‹‹‹‹--
Gideon’s fleece tests (JDG 6:25-Ω) Gideon’s fleece tests (JDG 6:25-Ω) ∶ --
Gideon & 300 fight the Midianites (JDG 7) Gideon & 300 fight the Midianites (JDG 7) ∴ ‹‹‹‹‹--››
Gideon finishes off the Midianites (JDG 8:1-28) Gideon finishes off the Midianites (JDG 8:1-28) ∴ ‹‹‹--››
Abimelech delcares himself king (JDG 8:29-9:25) Abimelech delcares himself king (JDG 8:29-9:25) ∴ ‹‹‹--
Abimelech, Zebul, & Gaal (JDG 9:26-Ω) Abimelech, Zebul, & Gaal (JDG 9:26-Ω) ∴ ‹‹--
Tola & Jair (JDG 10) Tola & Jair (JDG 10) ∶ --
Jephthah & the Ammonites (JDG 11:1-33) Jephthah & the Ammonites (JDG 11:1-33) ∴ ‹‹‹‹--
Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, & Abdon (JDG 11:34-12:Ω) Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, & Abdon (JDG 11:34-12:Ω) ∶ ‹‹--
Samson born (JDG 13) Samson born (JDG 13) ∶ --
Samson’s wife (JDG 14) Samson’s wife (JDG 14) ∶ ‹‹‹-
Samson’s revenge (JDG 15) Samson’s revenge (JDG 15) ∶ ‹‹--
Samson & Delilah (JDG 16) Samson & Delilah (JDG 16) ∷ -
Samuel born (1SA 1) Samuel born (1SA 1) ∴ --
Samuel & Eli (1SA 2:11-Ω) Samuel & Eli (1SA 2:11-Ω) ∴ ‹‹‹‹‹--
Samuel hears God (1SA 3) Samuel hears God (1SA 3) ∶ ‹‹‹‹--›››
Ark of the Covenant lost (1SA 4) Ark of the Covenant lost (1SA 4) ∴ ‹‹‹‹--
Ark with the Philistines (1SA 5) Ark with the Philistines (1SA 5) ∶ ‹‹--
Ark in Beth Shemesh (1SA 6:1-7:2) Ark in Beth Shemesh (1SA 6:1-7:2) ∴ ‹‹--
Samuel: military general (1SA 7:3-Ω) Samuel: military general (1SA 7:3-Ω) ∶ ‹‹‹--
People demand a king (1SA 8) People demand a king (1SA 8) ∶ ‹‹‹--›››››
Samuel and Saul (1SA 9:1-26) Samuel and Saul (1SA 9:1-26) ∴ ‹‹--

Saul crowned king (1SA 9:26-10:Ω) Saul crowned king (1SA 9:26-10:Ω) ∴ ‹‹‹--
Saul fights the Ammonites (1SA 11) Saul fights the Ammonites (1SA 11) ∶ ‹‹--
Samuel rebukes the people (1SA 12) Samuel rebukes the people (1SA 12) ∴ ‹‹‹‹--
Saul blows it (1SA 13:1-15) Saul blows it (1SA 13:1-15) ∶ ‹‹‹--›››
Jonathan, armor bearer, Philistine army (1SA 13:16-14:23) Jonathan, armor bearer, Philistine army (1SA 13:16-14:23) ∴ ‹‹‹‹--
Jonathan’s troubles (1SA 14:24-Ω) Jonathan’s troubles (1SA 14:24-Ω) ∴ ‹‹‹‹--
Saul grieves God again (1SA 15) Saul grieves God again (1SA 15) ∴ ‹‹‹‹‹--›››››
Samuel anoints David (1SA 16) Samuel anoints David (1SA 16) ∶ ‹‹--
David & Goliath (1SA 17) David & Goliath (1SA 17) ∷ ‹‹‹‹‹--››
Everyone (but Saul) loves David (1SA 18) Everyone (but Saul) loves David (1SA 18) ∴ ‹‹‹--
Saul tries to get rid of David (1SA 19) Saul tries to get rid of David (1SA 19) ∶ ‹‹--
Jonathan protects David (1SA 20) Jonathan protects David (1SA 20) ∷ ‹‹‹--
Saul chases David to Gath (1SA 21) Saul chases David to Gath (1SA 21) ∶ ‹‹-
Saul catches Ahimelech (1SA 22) Saul catches Ahimelech (1SA 22) ∴ --
Saul chases David from Keilah (1SA 23) Saul chases David from Keilah (1SA 23) ∴ ‹‹--
David spares Saul (1SA 24) David spares Saul (1SA 24) ∶ ‹‹‹‹‹--
End of Samuel, Nabal insults David (1SA 25:1-19) End of Samuel, Nabal insults David (1SA 25:1-19) ∶ ‹‹‹‹‹--
Abigail to the rescue (1SA 25:20-Ω) Abigail to the rescue (1SA 25:20-Ω) ∶ ‹‹--››››
David spares Saul, again (1SA 26) David spares Saul, again (1SA 26) ∴ --
David ‘hides’ with the Philistines (1SA 27:1-28:2) David ‘hides’ with the Philistines (1SA 27:1-28:2) ∶ --
Philistine leaders don’t trust David (1SA 29) Philistine leaders don’t trust David (1SA 29) ∶ ‹‹‹--
David & the Amalekites (1SA 30) David & the Amalekites (1SA 30) ∴ ‹‹‹--
Saul visits a medium (1SA 28:3-Ω) Saul visits a medium (1SA 28:3-Ω) ∶ ‹‹‹‹‹--

End of King Saul & Jonathan (1SA 31) End of King Saul & Jonathan (1SA 31) ∶ ‹‹--
David told of Saul’s death (2SA 1:1-16) David told of Saul’s death (2SA 1:1-16) ∶ ‹‹--
Civil war (Judah and Israel) (2SA 2:1-3:1) Civil war (Judah and Israel) (2SA 2:1-3:1) ∴ ‹‹‹--
Abner defects to David (2SA 3:6-Ω) Abner defects to David (2SA 3:6-Ω) ∷ ‹‹‹‹‹--

End of King Ishbosheth, David crowned again (2SA 4:1-5:5) End of King Ishbosheth, David crowned again (2SA 4:1-5:5) ∶ ‹‹‹‹--››
Jerusalem reconquered (2SA 5:6-Ω) Jerusalem reconquered (2SA 5:6-Ω) ∶ ‹‹--
Ark of the Covenant brought to Jerusalem (2SA 6) Ark of the Covenant brought to Jerusalem (2SA 6) ∶ ‹‹‹--
David’s plans for God & God’s plans for David (2SA 7) David’s plans for God & God’s plans for David (2SA 7) ∴ ‹‹‹‹‹--
David finishes off the neighboring enemies (2SA 8) David finishes off the neighboring enemies (2SA 8) ∶ ‹‹--
David compassionate to Saul’s last descendent (2SA 9) David compassionate to Saul’s last descendent (2SA 9) ⋅ ‹‹‹‹-
Ammonite treachery (2SA 10) Ammonite treachery (2SA 10) ∶ -
David & Bathsheba (2SA 11) David & Bathsheba (2SA 11) ∴ ‹‹‹--
Nathan confronts David (2SA 12:1-25) Nathan confronts David (2SA 12:1-25) ∴ --
Amnon & Tamar (2SA 13:1-22) Amnon & Tamar (2SA 13:1-22) ∶ --
Absalom & Amnon (2SA 13:23-Ω) Absalom & Amnon (2SA 13:23-Ω) ∶ ‹‹‹‹--
Joab lobbies reconciliation (2SA 14:1-24) Joab lobbies reconciliation (2SA 14:1-24) ∴ -
Absalom’s return (2SA 14:25-15:12) Absalom’s return (2SA 14:25-15:12) ∶ ‹‹--
David avoids another civil war (2SA 15:13-Ω) David avoids another civil war (2SA 15:13-Ω) ∶ ‹‹-
Calm between storms (2SA 16) Calm between storms (2SA 16) ∴ ‹‹‹‹--
Absolom on offense (2SA 17) Absolom on offense (2SA 17) ∴ ‹‹--
Absolom defeated (2SA 18:1-18) Absolom defeated (2SA 18:1-18) ∶ --
David’s mourning (2SA 18:19-19:8) David’s mourning (2SA 18:19-19:8) ∴ -
David returns, people squabble (2SA 19:9-Ω) David returns, people squabble (2SA 19:9-Ω) ∷ ‹‹‹‹‹-
Attempted coop of Sheba (2SA 20:1-22) Attempted coop of Sheba (2SA 20:1-22) ∴ ‹‹‹--
Gibeonite revenge (2SA 21:1-14) Gibeonite revenge (2SA 21:1-14) ∶ ‹‹--
More descendants of Nephilim (2SA 21:15-Ω) More descendants of Nephilim (2SA 21:15-Ω) ⋅ ‹‹‹‹--
Stories of their best soldiers (2SA 23:8-23) Stories of their best soldiers (2SA 23:8-23) ∶ 
David’s census & Israel’s payment (2SA 24) David’s census & Israel’s payment (2SA 24) ∴ --
Adonijah assumes his position (1KI 1:1-37) Adonijah assumes his position (1KI 1:1-37) ∴ ‹‹‹‹--
Solomon crowned king (1KI 1:38-Ω) Solomon crowned king (1KI 1:38-Ω) ∶ ‹‹-

End of David, final instructions (1KI 2:1-12) End of David, final instructions (1KI 2:1-12) ⋅ ‹‹‹‹‹--
Adonijah’s gall (1KI 2:13-25) Adonijah’s gall (1KI 2:13-25) ⋅ -
Solomon’s house cleaning (1KI 2:26-Ω) Solomon’s house cleaning (1KI 2:26-Ω) ∶ ‹‹‹--
Solomon’s wisdom (1KI 3:1-15) Solomon’s wisdom (1KI 3:1-15) ∶ --››
Two mothers one baby (1KI 3:16-Ω) Two mothers one baby (1KI 3:16-Ω) ⋅ -
Solomon’s kingdom (1KI 4:20-Ω) Solomon’s kingdom (1KI 4:20-Ω) ∶ ‹‹‹-
Hiram’s contributions & the temple (1KI 5) Hiram’s contributions & the temple (1KI 5) ∶ ‹‹‹‹‹-››
Dedication of the temple (1KI 8:1-26) Dedication of the temple (1KI 8:1-26) ∴ ‹‹‹‹
Palace completed (1KI 9:10-Ω) Palace completed (1KI 9:10-Ω) ∶ ‹‹‹‹‹-
Pinnacle of Israel (1KI 10) Pinnacle of Israel (1KI 10) ∴ --››
Opposition arises (1KI 11:1-25) Opposition arises (1KI 11:1-25) ∴ ‹‹‹‹‹-
Ahijah promotes Jeroboam (1KI 11:26-40) Ahijah promotes Jeroboam (1KI 11:26-40) ∶ -

Split KingdomSplit Kingdom
End of Solomon, Rehoboam splits the kingdom ▵▿ (1KI 11:41-12:20) End of Solomon, Rehoboam splits the kingdom ▵▿ (1KI 11:41-12:20) ∶ ‹‹‹--
Rehoboam’s good ▿ (2CH 11) Rehoboam’s good ▿ (2CH 11) ∶ --
Rehoboam’s bad ▿ (2CH 12) Rehoboam’s bad ▿ (2CH 12) ∶ ‹‹‹‹‹-
Jeroboam’s paralysis ▵ (1KI 12:25-13:10) Jeroboam’s paralysis ▵ (1KI 12:25-13:10) ∶ ‹‹‹‹‹--
A lying prophet ▵ (1KI 13:11-32) A lying prophet ▵ (1KI 13:11-32) ∶ ‹‹--
Jeroboam’s wife visits Ahijah ▵ (1KI 13:33-14:20) Jeroboam’s wife visits Ahijah ▵ (1KI 13:33-14:20) ∶ ‹‹‹‹‹--
Abijah ▿ (2CH 13) Abijah ▿ (2CH 13) ∶ ‹‹‹‹--
Asa stands for God ▿ (2CH 14) Asa stands for God ▿ (2CH 14) ∶ ‹‹-
Nadab & Baasha ▵ (1KI 15:25-16:7) Nadab & Baasha ▵ (1KI 15:25-16:7) ∶ --
Asa's revival ▿ (2CH 15) Asa's revival ▿ (2CH 15) ∶ ‹‹--
Asa's apostacy to defeat Baasha ▵▿ (2CH 16) Asa's apostacy to defeat Baasha ▵▿ (2CH 16) ∶ ‹‹--
Elah, Zimri, Omri, & Ahab ▵ (1KI 16:8-Ω) Elah, Zimri, Omri, & Ahab ▵ (1KI 16:8-Ω) ∴ ‹‹‹‹-

Elijah’s work ▵ (1KI 17) Elijah’s work ▵ (1KI 17) ∶ --
Elijah’s contest on Mt Carmel ▵ (1KI 18) Elijah’s contest on Mt Carmel ▵ (1KI 18) ∷ ‹‹‹‹--
Elijah at Mt Sinai, calls Elisha ▵ (1KI 19) Elijah at Mt Sinai, calls Elisha ▵ (1KI 19) ∶ --
Ahab of Israel & Ben-Hadad of Syria ▵ (1KI 20:1-22) Ahab of Israel & Ben-Hadad of Syria ▵ (1KI 20:1-22) ∶ 
Syria tries again ▵ (1KI 20:23-Ω) Syria tries again ▵ (1KI 20:23-Ω) ∴ ‹‹‹‹-
Ahab wants Naboth’s inheritance ▵ (1KI 21) Ahab wants Naboth’s inheritance ▵ (1KI 21) ∴ ‹‹--
Jehoshaphat succeeds Asa ▿ (2CH 17) Jehoshaphat succeeds Asa ▿ (2CH 17) ∶ --
Ahab, Jehoshaphat, & Micaiah ▵ (1KI 22:1-40) Ahab, Jehoshaphat, & Micaiah ▵ (1KI 22:1-40) ∷ ‹‹‹‹--
God defends Judah ▿ (2CH 20:1-30) God defends Judah ▿ (2CH 20:1-30) ∴ ‹‹--
Ahaziah of Israel & Elijah ▵ (2KI 1) Ahaziah of Israel & Elijah ▵ (2KI 1) ∶ ‹‹--
Elijah taken up to heaven ▵ (2KI 2) Elijah taken up to heaven ▵ (2KI 2) ∴ -
Joram ▵ & Jehoshaphat ▿ invade Moab (2KI 3) Joram ▵ & Jehoshaphat ▿ invade Moab (2KI 3) ∴ ‹‹--
Jehoram digresses ▿ (2CH 21) Jehoram digresses ▿ (2CH 21) ∶ ‹‹‹‹‹-
Elisha’s work, pt 1 ▵ (2KI 4:1-17) Elisha’s work, pt 1 ▵ (2KI 4:1-17) ∶ -
Elisha’s work, pt 2 ▵ (2KI 4:18-Ω) Elisha’s work, pt 2 ▵ (2KI 4:18-Ω) ∴ -
Naaman’s skin disease ▵ (2KI 5) Naaman’s skin disease ▵ (2KI 5) ∴ --
Elisha protects king Joram ▵ (2KI 6:1-23) Elisha protects king Joram ▵ (2KI 6:1-23) ∶ ‹‹--
Samaria at siege, Elisha & Joram inside ▵ (2KI 6:24-7:Ω) Samaria at siege, Elisha & Joram inside ▵ (2KI 6:24-7:Ω) ∷ ‹‹‹‹‹--
Elisha in Damascus ▵ (2KI 8:1-15) Elisha in Damascus ▵ (2KI 8:1-15) ∶ ‹‹--
Ahaziah of Judah ▿ and Jehu ▵ (2KI 8:24-9:13) Ahaziah of Judah ▿ and Jehu ▵ (2KI 8:24-9:13) ∶ ‹‹--
Jehu’s rise & solidification ▵ (2KI 9:14-Ω) Jehu’s rise & solidification ▵ (2KI 9:14-Ω) ∴ ‹‹‹‹‹
Jehu’s purge ▵ (2KI 10:1-31) Jehu’s purge ▵ (2KI 10:1-31) ∷ ‹‹
Athaliah the queen ▿ (2KI 11) Athaliah the queen ▿ (2KI 11) ∶ ‹‹--
Joash, 7 year old king ▿ (2CH 24) Joash, 7 year old king ▿ (2CH 24) ∴ ‹‹‹‹‹--
Jehoahaz, Jehoash, end of Elisha ▵ (2KI 13) Jehoahaz, Jehoash, end of Elisha ▵ (2KI 13) ∴ -

Amaziah ▿ (2CH 25) Amaziah ▿ (2CH 25) ∴ ‹‹‹‹‹
Jeroboam II ▵ (2KI 14:23-Ω) Jeroboam II ▵ (2KI 14:23-Ω) ⋅ ‹‹-
Jonah to Tarshish ▵ (JNH 1) Jonah to Tarshish ▵ (JNH 1) ∶ -
Jonah to Nineveh ▵ (JNH 2:10-4:Ω) Jonah to Nineveh ▵ (JNH 2:10-4:Ω) ∶ -›››››
Uzziah/​Azariah ▿ (2CH 26) Uzziah/​Azariah ▿ (2CH 26) ∶ -››
Amos stands up for the word of God ▵ (AM 7:10-17) Amos stands up for the word of God ▵ (AM 7:10-17) ⋅ ‹‹‹‹‹--
Hosea called by God ▵ (HOS 1) Hosea called by God ▵ (HOS 1) ⋅ -››
Hosea and Gomer ▵ (HOS 3) Hosea and Gomer ▵ (HOS 3) ⋅ -
Zechariah, Shallum, Menahem, Pekahiah, Pekah ▵ (2KI 15:8-31) Zechariah, Shallum, Menahem, Pekahiah, Pekah ▵ (2KI 15:8-31) ∴ -

Isaiah’s vision/​commission ▿ (ISA 6) Isaiah’s vision/​commission ▿ (ISA 6) ∶ ‹‹‹-
Jotham ▿ (2CH 27) Jotham ▿ (2CH 27) ⋅ ‹‹‹-
Isaiah on display ▿ (ISA 20) Isaiah on display ▿ (ISA 20) ⋅ --
Ahaz, pt 1 ▿ (2CH 28:1-15) Ahaz, pt 1 ▿ (2CH 28:1-15) ∶ ‹‹‹--
Sign for Ahaz ▿ (ISA 7:1-14) Sign for Ahaz ▿ (ISA 7:1-14) ∶ 
Ahaz, pt 2 ▿ (2KI 16:5-Ω) Ahaz, pt 2 ▿ (2KI 16:5-Ω) ∶ ‹‹‹‹‹--
Hoshea, & Israel falls to Assyria ▵ (2KI 17:1-23) Hoshea, & Israel falls to Assyria ▵ (2KI 17:1-23) ∴ ‹‹‹‹‹-››

Samaria repopulated (2KI 17:24-41) Samaria repopulated (2KI 17:24-41) ∶ -
God’s plea through Isaiah (ISA 1:1-28) God’s plea through Isaiah (ISA 1:1-28) ∴ ‹‹‹‹‹--›››››
Hezekiah, a good king (2CH 30) Hezekiah, a good king (2CH 30) ∴ ‹‹‹-››
Sennacherib talks big (2KI 18:13-Ω) Sennacherib talks big (2KI 18:13-Ω) ∴ ‹‹‹--
Hezekiah defends Judah by faith, God fights (2KI 19) Hezekiah defends Judah by faith, God fights (2KI 19) ∷ ‹‹‹‹‹--››
Hezekiah’s good and bad news from Isaiah (2KI 20) Hezekiah’s good and bad news from Isaiah (2KI 20) ∶ ‹‹-››
Manasseh messes up (2KI 21:1-16) Manasseh messes up (2KI 21:1-16) ∶ ‹‹‹‹‹-›››
Manasseh turns around, Amon (2CH 33:10-Ω) Manasseh turns around, Amon (2CH 33:10-Ω) ∶ --
Josiah, 8 year old king, book of the law found (2CH 34) Josiah, 8 year old king, book of the law found (2CH 34) ∷ ‹‹‹--
Jeremiah called by God (JER 1) Jeremiah called by God (JER 1) ∶ -
Josiah’s revival (2KI 23:4-27) Josiah’s revival (2KI 23:4-27) ∷ ‹‹‹‹‹--
Josiah’s final battle (2CH 35:20-Ω) Josiah’s final battle (2CH 35:20-Ω) ⋅ --
Jehoahaz & Jehoiakim (2KI 23:31-Ω) Jehoahaz & Jehoiakim (2KI 23:31-Ω) ⋅ ‹‹--
God will use the Babylonians (HAB 1:1-11) God will use the Babylonians (HAB 1:1-11) ⋅ -
Jeremiah & Pashhur (JER 19:14-20:6) Jeremiah & Pashhur (JER 19:14-20:6) ⋅ --
Jeremiah on trial (JER 26) Jeremiah on trial (JER 26) ∴ ‹‹‹--
Jeremiah speaks to the Recabites (JER 35) Jeremiah speaks to the Recabites (JER 35) ∶ 
Jeremiah’s warning to Jehoiakim (JER 36) Jeremiah’s warning to Jehoiakim (JER 36) ∷ ‹‹‹-››
Hananiah pretends to speak for God (JER 28) Hananiah pretends to speak for God (JER 28) ∶ ‹‹‹‹-
Jehoiachin, Judah falls to Babylon, & Zedekiah (2KI 24:1-25:2) Jehoiachin, Judah falls to Babylon, & Zedekiah (2KI 24:1-25:2) ∶ ‹‹‹‹‹--››

Four Jewish boys defy the king (DA 1) Four Jewish boys defy the king (DA 1) ∶ -
Jeremiah buys Hanamel’s field (JER 32:1-15) Jeremiah buys Hanamel’s field (JER 32:1-15) ∶ ‹‹--
God’s response to our depravity (JER 34:8-22) God’s response to our depravity (JER 34:8-22) ∶ ‹‹-
Jeremiah’s warning to Zedekiah (JER 37) Jeremiah’s warning to Zedekiah (JER 37) ∶ ‹‹-
Ezekiel’s first vision (EZE 1:1-2:1) Ezekiel’s first vision (EZE 1:1-2:1) ∴ ‹‹‹--
Ezekiel’s commissioning (EZE 1:26-3:15) Ezekiel’s commissioning (EZE 1:26-3:15) ∶ --
Nebuchad­nezzar’s first dream (statue) (DA 2:1-25) Nebuchad­nezzar’s first dream (statue) (DA 2:1-25) ∴ --
Daniel interprets (DA 2:26-Ω) Daniel interprets (DA 2:26-Ω) ∴ ‹‹--
Ezekiel’s vision of God’s holy jealousy, pt 1 (EZE 8) Ezekiel’s vision of God’s holy jealousy, pt 1 (EZE 8) ∶ ‹‹‹-
Ezekiel’s vision of God’s holy jealousy, pt 2 (EZE 9) Ezekiel’s vision of God’s holy jealousy, pt 2 (EZE 9) ⋅ ‹‹‹-
Ezekiel’s vision of God’s holy jealousy, pt 3 (EZE 10) Ezekiel’s vision of God’s holy jealousy, pt 3 (EZE 10) ∶ -
Ezekiel’s vision of God’s holy jealousy, pt 4 (EZE 11) Ezekiel’s vision of God’s holy jealousy, pt 4 (EZE 11) ∶ ‹‹--
Jeremiah in the muddy well (JER 38) Jeremiah in the muddy well (JER 38) ∴ --
God’s perspective, pt 1 (EZE 16:1-34) God’s perspective, pt 1 (EZE 16:1-34) ∴ --
God’s response, pt 2 (EZE 16:35-Ω) God’s response, pt 2 (EZE 16:35-Ω) ∴ ‹‹‹--
Ezekiel’s warning to Zedekiah (EZE 17:11-21) Ezekiel’s warning to Zedekiah (EZE 17:11-21) ⋅ ‹‹‹--
God’s signpost for Nebuchad­nezzar (EZE 21:18-27) God’s signpost for Nebuchad­nezzar (EZE 21:18-27) ⋅ -
Ezekiel’s wife personifies Jerusalem’s fate (EZE 24:15-27) Ezekiel’s wife personifies Jerusalem’s fate (EZE 24:15-27)
Jerusalem destroyed by Nebuchad­nezzar of Babylon (2KI 25:1-21) Jerusalem destroyed by Nebuchad­nezzar of Babylon (2KI 25:1-21) ∴ ‹‹‹‹‹--

Jeremiah and Ebedmelech spared (JER 39:11-40:6) Jeremiah and Ebedmelech spared (JER 39:11-40:6) ⋅ ‹‹--
Ishmael’s rebellion (JER 40:7-41:Ω) Ishmael’s rebellion (JER 40:7-41:Ω) ∴ ‹‹‹‹--
Johanan insincerely seeks God’s will (JER 42-43) Johanan insincerely seeks God’s will (JER 42-43) ∷ ‹‹‹‹--
Word of God v. word of man (JER 44) Word of God v. word of man (JER 44) ∷ ‹‹‹‹--
God’s holy name (EZE 36:16-28) God’s holy name (EZE 36:16-28) ⋅ ‹‹-
Ezekiel’s vision of dry bones (EZE 37:1-14) Ezekiel’s vision of dry bones (EZE 37:1-14) ∶ 
Prophesy of ‘the Valley of Gog’s Army’ (EZE 39) Prophesy of ‘the Valley of Gog’s Army’ (EZE 39) ∴ ‹‹-
Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, & the furnace (DA 3) Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, & the furnace (DA 3) ∴ ‹‹‹‹--
Nebuchad­nezzar’s second dream (tree), sabbatical (DA 4) Nebuchad­nezzar’s second dream (tree), sabbatical (DA 4) ∷ ‹‹‹‹‹-
Daniel’s first dream (Belshazzar, 4 animals) (DA 7) Daniel’s first dream (Belshazzar, 4 animals) (DA 7) ∴ 
Daniel’s second dream (Belshazzar, 2 animals) (DA 8) Daniel’s second dream (Belshazzar, 2 animals) (DA 8) ∴ -
Belshazzar’s writing on the wall (DA 5) Belshazzar’s writing on the wall (DA 5) ∴ ‹‹‹‹‹--
Daniel visited by Gabriel again (Darius I) (DA 9:20-Ω) Daniel visited by Gabriel again (Darius I) (DA 9:20-Ω) ⋅ ‹‹‹--
Daniel, Darius I, & the lions den (DA 6) Daniel, Darius I, & the lions den (DA 6) ∴ ‹‹--
Cyrus authorizes building the second temple (EZR 1) Cyrus authorizes building the second temple (EZR 1) ⋅ ‹‹‹‹‹--
Zerubbabel & Joshua lay temple foundation (EZR 2:64-3:8) Zerubbabel & Joshua lay temple foundation (EZR 2:64-3:8) ∶ ‹‹‹--
Daniel visited by an unnamed angel (DA 10:1-11:1) Daniel visited by an unnamed angel (DA 10:1-11:1) ∶ --
Neighbors grow nervous (EZR 3:10-4:6) Neighbors grow nervous (EZR 3:10-4:6) ∶ --

Xerxes needs a new queen (EST 1) Xerxes needs a new queen (EST 1) ∴ --
Esther’s ascencion (EST 2) Esther’s ascencion (EST 2) ∴ ‹‹‹--
Haman condemns the Jews (EST 3) Haman condemns the Jews (EST 3) ∶ ‹‹‹‹--
Mordecai & Esther (EST 4) Mordecai & Esther (EST 4) ∶ --
Esther’s first dinner (EST 5) Esther’s first dinner (EST 5) ∶ ‹‹--
Haman’s disappointment (EST 6) Haman’s disappointment (EST 6) ∶ ‹‹--
Esther’s second dinner (EST 7) Esther’s second dinner (EST 7) ⋅ -
New plan for the Jews (EST 8) New plan for the Jews (EST 8) ∶ --
Happy ending for the Jews (EST 9-10) Happy ending for the Jews (EST 9-10) ∷ --

Artaxerxes I grants stay on temple reconstruction (EZR 4:7-Ω) Artaxerxes I grants stay on temple reconstruction (EZR 4:7-Ω) ∶ ‹‹‹--
Haggai admonishes the community (HAG 1) Haggai admonishes the community (HAG 1) ∶ ‹‹--
Zechariah’s 3 visions of good news (ZEC 1:7-2:5) Zechariah’s 3 visions of good news (ZEC 1:7-2:5) ∶ ‹‹--
Temple reconstruction challenged (EZR 4:24-6:5) Temple reconstruction challenged (EZR 4:24-6:5) ∴ ‹‹‹‹--
Darius II reauthorizes temple work (EZR 6:6-Ω) Darius II reauthorizes temple work (EZR 6:6-Ω) ∶ ‹‹‹--
Ezra commissioned by Artaxerxes II (EZR 7) Ezra commissioned by Artaxerxes II (EZR 7) ∴ ‹‹‹--
Ezra & company go to Jerusalem (EZR 8:15-Ω) Ezra & company go to Jerusalem (EZR 8:15-Ω) ∴ ‹‹--
Purging the foreigners (EZR 9:1-10:17) Purging the foreigners (EZR 9:1-10:17) ∷ ‹‹‹--››
Artaxerxes II authorizes Nehemiah build wall (NE 1-2) Artaxerxes II authorizes Nehemiah build wall (NE 1-2) ∷ ‹‹‹‹--
Construction perseveres despite resistance (NE 4) Construction perseveres despite resistance (NE 4) ∴ --
Jewish leaders confronted on selfishness (NE 5) Jewish leaders confronted on selfishness (NE 5) ∶ ‹‹‹‹--
Nehemiah defies intimidation (NE 6) Nehemiah defies intimidation (NE 6) ∶ ‹‹‹--
Ezra reads the Revelation to the people (NE 8) Ezra reads the Revelation to the people (NE 8) ∶ ‹‹--
Dedication of the wall (NE 12:27-Ω) Dedication of the wall (NE 12:27-Ω) ∴ 
Nehemiah’s reforms (NE 13) Nehemiah’s reforms (NE 13) ∴ ‹‹‹‹‹--

First pair of incredulences (MAL 1) First pair of incredulences (MAL 1) ∶ ‹‹--
Second pair of indcredulences (MAL 2:10-Ω) Second pair of indcredulences (MAL 2:10-Ω) ⋅ ‹‹-
Third pair of incredulences (MAL 3:6-Ω) Third pair of incredulences (MAL 3:6-Ω) ∶ ‹‹--

A New HopeA New Hope
An angel appears to Zechariah (LK 1:5-25) An angel appears to Zechariah (LK 1:5-25) ∶ ‹‹--
An angel appears to Mary (LK 1:26-38) An angel appears to Mary (LK 1:26-38) ⋅ ‹‹--
Mary visits Elizabeth (LK 1:39-45) Mary visits Elizabeth (LK 1:39-45) ⋅ --
John born (LK 1:56-66) John born (LK 1:56-66) ⋅ ‹‹‹--››
An angel appears to Joseph (MT 1:18-Ω) An angel appears to Joseph (MT 1:18-Ω) ⋅ ‹‹‹--
Census, Jesus born (Christmas) (LK 2:1-7) Census, Jesus born (Christmas) (LK 2:1-7) ⋅ ‹‹--››
Angels appear to the shepherds (LK 2:8-20) Angels appear to the shepherds (LK 2:8-20) ⋅ --
Simeon’s & Anna’s prophecies (LK 2:21-38) Simeon’s & Anna’s prophecies (LK 2:21-38) ∶ ‹‹‹‹--
Wise men visit (MT 2:1-12) Wise men visit (MT 2:1-12) ⋅ ‹‹--
Sabbatical in Egypt (MT 2:13-Ω) Sabbatical in Egypt (MT 2:13-Ω) ⋅ ‹‹‹--
Jesus left behind (LK 2:41-Ω) Jesus left behind (LK 2:41-Ω) ⋅ ‹‹‹--

Paradigm Shift (highlights)Paradigm Shift (highlights)
Ministry of John the Baptizer (LK 3:1-19) Ministry of John the Baptizer (LK 3:1-19) ∶ ‹‹‹-
Jesus baptized by John (MT 3:13-17) Jesus baptized by John (MT 3:13-17) ⋅ ‹‹--
Jesus tempted by Satan (MT 4:1-11) Jesus tempted by Satan (MT 4:1-11) ⋅ ‹‹‹‹--
Jesus calls first disciples (LK 5:1-11) Jesus calls first disciples (LK 5:1-11) ⋅ -
Water into wine (JN 2:1-11) Water into wine (JN 2:1-11) ⋅ --
Teaching with authority (MK 1:21-34) Teaching with authority (MK 1:21-34) ⋅ --
Woman at the well (JN 4:1-42) Woman at the well (JN 4:1-42) ∴ ‹‹-
Long distance healing (JN 4:43-Ω) Long distance healing (JN 4:43-Ω) ⋅ --
Lord’s [Model] Prayer (MT 6:5-15) Lord’s [Model] Prayer (MT 6:5-15) ⋅ --
Roman centurion (MT 8:5-13) Roman centurion (MT 8:5-13) ⋅ --
Wind and seas obey Him (MT 8:23-27) Wind and seas obey Him (MT 8:23-27) ⋅ -
Out of men, into pigs (MK 5:1-20) Out of men, into pigs (MK 5:1-20) ∶ --
Forgiveness of sins & healing (MT 9:1-8) Forgiveness of sins & healing (MT 9:1-8) ⋅ ‹‹‹-
Why Jesus came (MT 9:9-13) Why Jesus came (MT 9:9-13) ⋅ --
Jairus’s daughter & an old woman (MK 5:21-43) Jairus’s daughter & an old woman (MK 5:21-43) ∶ -
Commissioning the 12 (MT 9:35-11:1) Commissioning the 12 (MT 9:35-11:1) ∷ -
John’s doubt from prison (LK 7:18-35) John’s doubt from prison (LK 7:18-35) ∶ --
Simon & the canceled debts (LK 7:36-Ω) Simon & the canceled debts (LK 7:36-Ω) ⋅ --
Herod kills John (MK 6:14-29) Herod kills John (MK 6:14-29) ∶ -
Invalid for 38 years (JN 5:1-18) Invalid for 38 years (JN 5:1-18) ⋅ 
Five loaves & two fish (MK 6:30-44) Five loaves & two fish (MK 6:30-44) ∶ ‹‹-
Four soils (MT 13:1-23) Four soils (MT 13:1-23) ∶ --
Wheat & weeds (and more parables) (MT 13:24-Ω) Wheat & weeds (and more parables) (MT 13:24-Ω) ∴ ‹‹‹--
Walking on water (MT 14:22-33) Walking on water (MT 14:22-33) ⋅ --
Stoning the woman (JN 8:1-11) Stoning the woman (JN 8:1-11) ⋅ --
Blind from birth (JN 9) Blind from birth (JN 9) ∴ --
Jesus corrected those who corrected Him (MT 15:1-20) Jesus corrected those who corrected Him (MT 15:1-20) -
Peter understands, Jesus still corrects (MT 16:13-Ω) Peter understands, Jesus still corrects (MT 16:13-Ω) --
Transfiguration (MT 17:1-13) Transfiguration (MT 17:1-13) ⋅ --
Spiritual warfare (MK 9:14-29) Spiritual warfare (MK 9:14-29) ∶ --
Necessity of child-like faith (MT 18:1-7) Necessity of child-like faith (MT 18:1-7) ⋅ --
Forgiveness expects reciprocation (MT 18:21-Ω) Forgiveness expects reciprocation (MT 18:21-Ω) ⋅ ‹‹-
Good Samaritan (LK 10:25-37) Good Samaritan (LK 10:25-37) ⋅ ‹‹‹--
Greedy farmer (LK 12:13-24) Greedy farmer (LK 12:13-24) ⋅ 
Prodigal son (LK 15:11-Ω) Prodigal son (LK 15:11-Ω) ∶ ‹‹--
Shrewd manager (LK 16:1-9) Shrewd manager (LK 16:1-9) ⋅ --
Lazarus & the rich unbeliever (LK 16:19-Ω) Lazarus & the rich unbeliever (LK 16:19-Ω) ⋅ --

Zacchaeus (LK 19:1-10) Zacchaeus (LK 19:1-10) ⋅ --
Return on investment (LK 19:11-27) Return on investment (LK 19:11-27) ∶ --››
Truth versus virtue? (MT 21:28-32) Truth versus virtue? (MT 21:28-32) ⋅ --
Greedy farmhands (MT 21:33-Ω) Greedy farmhands (MT 21:33-Ω) ⋅ ‹‹-
Wedding banquet parable (MT 22:1-14) Wedding banquet parable (MT 22:1-14) ⋅ --
Most important commandment (MK 12:28-34) Most important commandment (MK 12:28-34) ⋅ ‹‹‹--
Relationship, not religion (MT 23) Relationship, not religion (MT 23) ⋅ ‹‹‹‹‹-
Healing on the Sabbath (MK 3:1-6) Healing on the Sabbath (MK 3:1-6) ⋅ --
Nicodemus (JN 3:1-21) Nicodemus (JN 3:1-21) ∶ --
Jesus talks about the future & God’s kingdom (MT 24:1-39) Jesus talks about the future & God’s kingdom (MT 24:1-39) ∴ -
Parables of differentiation (MT 25) Parables of differentiation (MT 25) ∷ --

Proof God Loves You (highlights)Proof God Loves You (highlights)
Lazarus raised to life (JN 11:1-53) Lazarus raised to life (JN 11:1-53) ∷ ‹‹‹--
Celebration for Lazarus (JN 12:1-11) Celebration for Lazarus (JN 12:1-11) ⋅ --
Triumphal entry (MT 21:1-17) Triumphal entry (MT 21:1-17) ∶ ‹‹‹‹‹--
Fig tree parallel (MK 11:12-Ω) Fig tree parallel (MK 11:12-Ω) ∶ --
Parable of the Tenants (LK 20:9-20) Parable of the Tenants (LK 20:9-20) ⋅ --
Jesus washes disciples feet (JN 13:1-17) Jesus washes disciples feet (JN 13:1-17) ∶ -
Last Supper (MT 26:17-30) Last Supper (MT 26:17-30) ⋅ ‹‹‹‹--
Garden prayer & arrest (MT 26:30-56) Garden prayer & arrest (MT 26:30-56) ∶ ‹‹‹--
Mock trial with Caiaphas (MT 26:57-Ω) Mock trial with Caiaphas (MT 26:57-Ω) ∶ ‹‹‹‹‹--
Pilate (JN 18:28-19:16) Pilate (JN 18:28-19:16) ∴ ‹‹‹--
Crucifixion (LK 23:26-43) Crucifixion (LK 23:26-43) ∶ ‹‹‹--››
Death & burrial (MT 27:45-Ω) Death & burrial (MT 27:45-Ω) ∶ ‹‹‹‹--››
Resurrection (Easter) (MT 28:1-15) Resurrection (Easter) (MT 28:1-15) ⋅ ‹‹‹‹‹--››››
Road to Emmaus (LK 24:13-49) Road to Emmaus (LK 24:13-49) ∴ --
Doubting Thomas (JN 20:19-29) Doubting Thomas (JN 20:19-29) ⋅ --
Peter's restoration (JN 21) Peter's restoration (JN 21) ∴ ‹‹‹‹--
Jesus ascends (AC 1:3-12) Jesus ascends (AC 1:3-12) ⋅ --

Explosion of God’s KingdomExplosion of God’s Kingdom
Replacing the 12th apostle (AC 1:13-Ω) Replacing the 12th apostle (AC 1:13-Ω) ∶ ‹‹--
Holy Spirit comes, Peter preaches (AC 2) Holy Spirit comes, Peter preaches (AC 2) ∷ ‹‹‹--
Peter heals a lame, preaches (AC 3) Peter heals a lame, preaches (AC 3) ∴ --
Peter & John jailed, tried, released (AC 4:1-31) Peter & John jailed, tried, released (AC 4:1-31) ∴ ‹‹‹‹‹--
Exemplary Christian unity, Ananias & Sapphira (AC 4:32-5:11) Exemplary Christian unity, Ananias & Sapphira (AC 4:32-5:11) ∶ --
Apostles let out of jail by an angel (AC 5:12-Ω) Apostles let out of jail by an angel (AC 5:12-Ω) ∴ ‹‹--›››››
Stephen chosen, opposed (AC 6) Stephen chosen, opposed (AC 6) ∶ --
Stephen’s speach, pt 1 (AC 7:1-34) Stephen’s speach, pt 1 (AC 7:1-34) ∴ --
Stephen’s speach, pt 2, stoning (AC 7:35-8:4) Stephen’s speach, pt 2, stoning (AC 7:35-8:4) ∴ ‹‹‹‹‹--
Philip & Simon (AC 8:4-25) Philip & Simon (AC 8:4-25) ∶ ‹‹‹--
Philip & the Ethiopian (AC 8:26-Ω) Philip & the Ethiopian (AC 8:26-Ω) ∶ --
Saul’s conversion (AC 9:1-31) Saul’s conversion (AC 9:1-31) ∴ ‹‹--››››
Peter’s mission trip begins (AC 9:32-Ω) Peter’s mission trip begins (AC 9:32-Ω) ⋅ --
Cornelius the Roman Captain (AC 10:1-23) Cornelius the Roman Captain (AC 10:1-23) ∶ ‹‹‹--
Holy Spirit comes on Gentiles (AC 10:24-Ω) Holy Spirit comes on Gentiles (AC 10:24-Ω) ∶ ‹‹--›››
Peter’s report of the Gentile believers (AC 11:1-18) Peter’s report of the Gentile believers (AC 11:1-18) ∶ ‹‹‹‹‹-
Barnabas in Antioch (AC 11:19-Ω) Barnabas in Antioch (AC 11:19-Ω) ⋅ ‹‹‹
Peter jailed & freed by an angel (AC 12) Peter jailed & freed by an angel (AC 12) ∴ --

Missionary trip #1 begins, with Barnabas (AC 13:1-13) Missionary trip #1 begins, with Barnabas (AC 13:1-13) ⋅ --
At Antioch in Pisidia (AC 13:14-Ω) At Antioch in Pisidia (AC 13:14-Ω) ∷ --
Galatia: mistaken for gods (AC 14) Galatia: mistaken for gods (AC 14) ∴ ‹‹‹--
Apistolic letter to the gentile believers (AC 15:1-35) Apistolic letter to the gentile believers (AC 15:1-35) ∴ ‹‹‹‹‹--›››

Missionary trip #2 begins, with Silas (AC 15:36-16:12) Missionary trip #2 begins, with Silas (AC 15:36-16:12) ∶ ‹‹--
Philippi: beating, jailing, & miracle (AC 16:13-Ω) Philippi: beating, jailing, & miracle (AC 16:13-Ω) ∴ --
Thessalonica: mobs, Berea: appreciation (AC 17:1-15) Thessalonica: mobs, Berea: appreciation (AC 17:1-15) ∶ --
Athens: speech at the Areopagus (AC 17:16-Ω) Athens: speech at the Areopagus (AC 17:16-Ω) ∶ --
Corinth: a lynching backfires (AC 18:1-18) Corinth: a lynching backfires (AC 18:1-18) ∶ --

MT#3: Ephesus: Apollos, Jewish witches (AC 18:19-19:21) MT#3: Ephesus: Apollos, Jewish witches (AC 18:19-19:21) ∴ ‹‹‹‹--
Ephesus: objections of the silversmiths (AC 19:21-20:2) Ephesus: objections of the silversmiths (AC 19:21-20:2) ∴ ‹‹‹‹--
Troas: boy falls out a window (AC 20:2-14) Troas: boy falls out a window (AC 20:2-14) ∶ -
Ephesian elders, return to Jerusalem (AC 20:15-21:16) Ephesian elders, return to Jerusalem (AC 20:15-21:16) ∷ -››

Jerusalem: beatings & arrest (AC 21:17-36) Jerusalem: beatings & arrest (AC 21:17-36) ∶ ‹‹--››
Paul addresses the crowd (AC 21:37-22:29) Paul addresses the crowd (AC 21:37-22:29) ∴ --
High Council accusations & ambush (AC 22:30-23:Ω) High Council accusations & ambush (AC 22:30-23:Ω) ∷ --
Governor Felix: hearing, delay (AC 24) Governor Felix: hearing, delay (AC 24) ∴ 
Governor Festus, King Agrippa (AC 25) Governor Festus, King Agrippa (AC 25) ∴ --
Paul’s defense to Agrippa (AC 26) Paul’s defense to Agrippa (AC 26) ∴ -
Free trip to Rome, pt 1 (AC 27:1-26) Free trip to Rome, pt 1 (AC 27:1-26) ∴ ‹‹‹--
Free trip to Rome, pt 2 (AC 27:27-28:10) Free trip to Rome, pt 2 (AC 27:27-28:10) ∶ ‹‹--
Arrival in Rome (AC 28:11-Ω) Arrival in Rome (AC 28:11-Ω) ∴ --

John met by Jesus (REV 1) John met by Jesus (REV 1) ∶ ‹‹‹-
Jesus’ first 4 letters (REV 2) Jesus’ first 4 letters (REV 2) ∴ ‹‹‹‹‹--
Jesus’ last 3 letters (REV 3) Jesus’ last 3 letters (REV 3) ∴ ‹‹‹--
Great Tribulation: six of seven seals (REV 6) Great Tribulation: six of seven seals (REV 6) ∶ ‹‹‹‹--››
Six of seven angels (REV 8:6-9:Ω) Six of seven angels (REV 8:6-9:Ω) ∴ --
Two witnesses (prophets) (REV 11:1-13) Two witnesses (prophets) (REV 11:1-13) ∶ ‹‹--
Dragon’s rebellion (REV 12) Dragon’s rebellion (REV 12) ∶ --
Beast and the false prophet (REV 13) Beast and the false prophet (REV 13) ∶ ‹‹‹‹‹--
Three times people curse God rather than repent (REV 16) Three times people curse God rather than repent (REV 16) ∶ ‹‹‹‹‹--
Armageddon, Second Coming (REV 19:11-Ω) Armageddon, Second Coming (REV 19:11-Ω) ⋅ ‹‹‹‹‹--
Thousand years, final battle, judgement (REV 20) Thousand years, final battle, judgement (REV 20) ∶ ‹‹‹‹‹--
New Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem, & Eden (REV 21:1-22:5) New Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem, & Eden (REV 21:1-22:5) ∴ ‹‹‹‹‹--
Epilogue (REV 22:6-Ω) Epilogue (REV 22:6-Ω) ∶ ‹‹--››

Letters (Bonus)Letters (Bonus)
Decline of any great civilization (ROM 1:18-32) Decline of any great civilization (ROM 1:18-32) ∶ ‹‹‹--
Wisdom of God and scripture (1CO 1:17-2:Ω) Wisdom of God and scripture (1CO 1:17-2:Ω) ∴ 
Human sexuality & immorality (1CO 6:9-7:40) Human sexuality & immorality (1CO 6:9-7:40) ∷ 
Love Chapter (1CO 13) Love Chapter (1CO 13) ⋅ 
Fruit of the Spirit (GAL 5:16-26) Fruit of the Spirit (GAL 5:16-26) ⋅ 
TBD (EPH 1:3-2:19) TBD (EPH 1:3-2:19) -
Christian character (EPH 4:17-5:20) Christian character (EPH 4:17-5:20) ∴ 
Christian families (EPH 5:21-6:9) Christian families (EPH 5:21-6:9) ∶ 
Armor of God (EPH 6:10-18) Armor of God (EPH 6:10-18) ⋅ --›››
High density advice (2TI 2:1-3:7) High density advice (2TI 2:1-3:7) ∴ 
Faith Chapter (HEB 11) Faith Chapter (HEB 11) ∷ 
Discipline passage (HEB 12:1-21) Discipline passage (HEB 12:1-21) ⋅ ‹‹
Prophecies of our current time (2PE 1:12-3:18) Prophecies of our current time (2PE 1:12-3:18) ∷ 
God is light (1JN 1:5-2:11) God is light (1JN 1:5-2:11) ∶ 

Speeches (Bonus)Speeches (Bonus)
An important discourse on God, pt 1 (DT 4:1-40) An important discourse on God, pt 1 (DT 4:1-40) ∷ ‹‹‹-
Minimum moral requirements (DT 4:44-5:Ω) Minimum moral requirements (DT 4:44-5:Ω) ∴ -
An important discourse on God, pt 2 (DT 6) An important discourse on God, pt 2 (DT 6) ∶ -››
Moses’s warnings, pt 1 (DT 7) Moses’s warnings, pt 1 (DT 7) ∴ 
Moses’s warnings, pt 2 (DT 8) Moses’s warnings, pt 2 (DT 8) ∶ ‹‹-›››››
Moses’s warnings, pt 3 (DT 9) Moses’s warnings, pt 3 (DT 9) ∴ ‹‹
Moses’s many intercessions for Israel, pt 1 (DT 10:12-11:21) Moses’s many intercessions for Israel, pt 1 (DT 10:12-11:21) ∴ -
Moses’s many intercessions for Israel, pt 2 (DT 11:22-12:10) Moses’s many intercessions for Israel, pt 2 (DT 11:22-12:10) ∶ -
Blessings & curses (DT 28:1-20) Blessings & curses (DT 28:1-20) ∶ -
Moses’s song (DT 31:24-32:47) Moses’s song (DT 31:24-32:47) ∷ ‹‹‹‹‹›››
Joshua’s debriefing (JOS 23) Joshua’s debriefing (JOS 23) ∶ 
Joshua’s history (JOS 24:1-15) Joshua’s history (JOS 24:1-15) ∶ 
David’s address for the temple (1CH 28) David’s address for the temple (1CH 28) ∴ 
Job’s insight on wisdom (JOB 28:12-28) Job’s insight on wisdom (JOB 28:12-28) ⋅ ››
Elihu corrects Job (JOB 32-37) Elihu corrects Job (JOB 32-37) ∷ 
Leviathan (JOB 41) Leviathan (JOB 41) ∶ -
Asaph’s history (PS 78) Asaph’s history (PS 78) ∷ 
David’s history, pt 1 (PS 105) David’s history, pt 1 (PS 105) ∶ 
David’s history, pt 2 (PS 106:7-46) David’s history, pt 2 (PS 106:7-46) ∶ 
Model wife (PR 31:10-Ω) Model wife (PR 31:10-Ω) ∶ --
Solomon’s temple dedication (1KI 8:22-61) Solomon’s temple dedication (1KI 8:22-61) ∷ 
Nehemiah’s history (NE 9:5-37) Nehemiah’s history (NE 9:5-37) ∷ 
God speaks for Himself, pt 1 (ISA 40:6-41:20) God speaks for Himself, pt 1 (ISA 40:6-41:20) ∷ 
God speaks for Himself, pt 2 (ISA 41:21-42:9) God speaks for Himself, pt 2 (ISA 41:21-42:9) ∶ 
God speaks for Himself, pt 3 (ISA 42:10-43:13) God speaks for Himself, pt 3 (ISA 42:10-43:13) ∴ 
God speaks for Himself, pt 4 (ISA 43:14-44:5) God speaks for Himself, pt 4 (ISA 43:14-44:5) ∶ ‹‹
God speaks for Himself, pt 5 (ISA 44:6-23) God speaks for Himself, pt 5 (ISA 44:6-23) ∶ -
God speaks for Himself, pt 6 (ISA 44:24-45:17) God speaks for Himself, pt 6 (ISA 44:24-45:17) ∶ 
God speaks for Himself, pt 7 (ISA 45:18-46:Ω) God speaks for Himself, pt 7 (ISA 45:18-46:Ω) ∶ 
God expresses His anger at His people (EZE 5) God expresses His anger at His people (EZE 5)
False prophets condemned (EZE 13) False prophets condemned (EZE 13) ∴ 
Ezekiel’s gospel explain (EZE 18) Ezekiel’s gospel explain (EZE 18) ∴ -
Satan’s corruption (EZE 28:11-17) Satan’s corruption (EZE 28:11-17) ⋅ -
Profaning God’s holy name (EZE 36:16-36) Profaning God’s holy name (EZE 36:16-36) ∶ -
Jeremiah’s 70’s (JER 25:1-14) Jeremiah’s 70’s (JER 25:1-14) ∶ -››
Ezekiel’s (God’s) history (EZE 20:1-44) Ezekiel’s (God’s) history (EZE 20:1-44) ∷ 
Daniel's prayer of confession (DAN 9:3-19) Daniel's prayer of confession (DAN 9:3-19)
Jesus’s sermon on the mount (MT 5-7) Jesus’s sermon on the mount (MT 5-7) ∷ ‹‹‹-
Jesus’s greatest criticism: hypocracy (MT 23:13-36) Jesus’s greatest criticism: hypocracy (MT 23:13-36) ‹‹‹‹‹
Jesus’s last supper talk (JN 13-17) Jesus’s last supper talk (JN 13-17) ∷ 
Stephen’s history (AC 7:1-54) Stephen’s history (AC 7:1-54) ∷ 
Paul & the Areopagus (AC 17:16-31) Paul & the Areopagus (AC 17:16-31) ∶ 
Paul departs Ephesus (AC 20:17-Ω) Paul departs Ephesus (AC 20:17-Ω) ∶ 
Satan’s exile (REV 12:3-9) Satan’s exile (REV 12:3-9) ⋅ ‹‹-

Favorite Psalms (Bonus)Favorite Psalms (Bonus)
(Psalm 2) (PS 2) (Psalm 2) (PS 2) ⋅ 
(Psalm 11) (PS 11) (Psalm 11) (PS 11) ⋅ 
(Psalm 14) (PS 14) (Psalm 14) (PS 14) ⋅ 
(Psalm 15) (PS 15) (Psalm 15) (PS 15) ⋅ 
(Psalm 18) (PS 18:6-31) (Psalm 18) (PS 18:6-31) ∶ 
(Psalm 19) (PS 19) (Psalm 19) (PS 19) ⋅ 
Valley of shadow of death (PS 23) Valley of shadow of death (PS 23) ⋅ 
(Psalm 31) (PS 31) (Psalm 31) (PS 31)
(Psalm 32) (PS 32) (Psalm 32) (PS 32)
(Psalm 33) (PS 33) (Psalm 33) (PS 33)
(Psalm 40) (PS 40) (Psalm 40) (PS 40) -
(Psalm 45) (PS 45) (Psalm 45) (PS 45)
(Psalm 50) (PS 50) (Psalm 50) (PS 50)
Praising God (PS 96-97) Praising God (PS 96-97) ∶ 
(Psalm 100) (PS 100) (Psalm 100) (PS 100)
(Psalm 104) (PS 104) (Psalm 104) (PS 104) ∶ 
Shortest chapter in the Bible (PS 117) Shortest chapter in the Bible (PS 117) ⋅ 
Biblical worldview (PS 119) Biblical worldview (PS 119) ∷ -
(Psalm 146) (PS 146) (Psalm 146) (PS 146)

Recaps (Bonus)Recaps (Bonus)
Spies sent into Canaan & the price of rebellion (DT 1:19-Ω) Spies sent into Canaan & the price of rebellion (DT 1:19-Ω) ∴ 
Wandering in the desert (DT 2-3) Wandering in the desert (DT 2-3) ∷ 
10 commandments (DT 5) 10 commandments (DT 5) ∴ -
Conquest (JDG 1:1-26) Conquest (JDG 1:1-26) ∴ ‹‹--

Saul’s disobedience (1CH 10) Saul’s disobedience (1CH 10) ∶ 
David & his best men (1CH 11:1-25) David & his best men (1CH 11:1-25) ∴ 
Uzzah dies touching the Ark (1CH 13) Uzzah dies touching the Ark (1CH 13) ∶ 
David’s conquests (1CH 14) David’s conquests (1CH 14) ⋅ 
Ark brought to Jerusalem (1CH 15:1-16:3) Ark brought to Jerusalem (1CH 15:1-16:3) ∴ 
David’s plans for God & God’s plans for David (1CH 17) David’s plans for God & God’s plans for David (1CH 17) ∴ 
David finishes off the neighboring enemies (1CH 18) David finishes off the neighboring enemies (1CH 18) ∶ 
Ammonite treachery (1CH 19) Ammonite treachery (1CH 19) ∶ 
David’s census & Israel’s payment (1CH 21) David’s census & Israel’s payment (1CH 21) ∴ 
Solomon crowned king, asks for wisdom (2CH 1:1-13) Solomon crowned king, asks for wisdom (2CH 1:1-13) ∶ 
Ark placed in the temple (2CH 5:1-6:16) Ark placed in the temple (2CH 5:1-6:16) ∴ 
Solomon’s greatness & Israel’s prime (2CH 8-9) Solomon’s greatness & Israel’s prime (2CH 8-9) ∷ 
Judah & rest of Israel split (2CH 10) Judah & rest of Israel split (2CH 10) ∶ 

Sennacherib intimidates Hezekiah, pt 1 (ISA 36) Sennacherib intimidates Hezekiah, pt 1 (ISA 36) ∴ -
Sennacherib intimidates Hezekiah, pt 2 (ISA 37) Sennacherib intimidates Hezekiah, pt 2 (ISA 37) ∷ -
Hezekiah’s illness & respite (ISA 38:1-8) Hezekiah’s illness & respite (ISA 38:1-8) ⋅ -
Isaiah delivers bad news for Hezekiah (ISA 39) Isaiah delivers bad news for Hezekiah (ISA 39) ⋅ -
Recap of Jerusalem’s fall (JER 52) Recap of Jerusalem’s fall (JER 52) ∷ ‹‹‹

Throne, scroll, & Lamb (REV 4-5) Throne, scroll, & Lamb (REV 4-5) ∴ ‹‹-
Praising God on His throne (REV 7:1-8:5) Praising God on His throne (REV 7:1-8:5) ∶ -
Little scroll (REV 10) Little scroll (REV 10) ⋅ 
Seventh trumpet (REV 11:14-Ω) Seventh trumpet (REV 11:14-Ω) ⋅ 
Three angels, seven angels (REV 14-15) Three angels, seven angels (REV 14-15) ∴ 
Babylon (REV 17:1-19:10) Babylon (REV 17:1-19:10) ∷ 

Genealogies (Bonus)Genealogies (Bonus)
Adam’s family (GE 5) Adam’s family (GE 5) ⋅ 
Table of nations (Noah’s family) (GE 10) Table of nations (Noah’s family) (GE 10) ∶ 
Shem’s family (GE 11:10-25) Shem’s family (GE 11:10-25) ⋅ 
Ishmael’s family (GE 25:12-18) Ishmael’s family (GE 25:12-18) ⋅ ›››
Essau’s family (GE 36) Essau’s family (GE 36) ∴ 
Census 1 (NUM 1) Census 1 (NUM 1) ∶ ‹‹
Census 2 (NUM 26) Census 2 (NUM 26) ∴ 
Israel’s sojourn stops (NUM 33) Israel’s sojourn stops (NUM 33) ∶ 
Promised land boundaries (NUM 34:1-15) Promised land boundaries (NUM 34:1-15) ⋅ 
Tribe allotments (JOS 14-21) Tribe allotments (JOS 14-21) ∷ 
Perez to David (RU 4:18-Ω) Perez to David (RU 4:18-Ω) ⋅ 
Noah’s family (1CH 1) Noah’s family (1CH 1) ∴ 
Israel’s family (1CH 2) Israel’s family (1CH 2) ∷ 
David’s family (1CH 3) David’s family (1CH 3) ∶ 
Judah’s & Simeon’s families (1CH 4) Judah’s & Simeon’s families (1CH 4) ∷ 
Reuben’s, Gad’s, Manasseh’s families (1CH 5) Reuben’s, Gad’s, Manasseh’s families (1CH 5) ∴ 
Levi’s family (1CH 6) Levi’s family (1CH 6) ∷ 
Issa’s, Ben’s, Naph’s, Mana’s, Ephra’s, Asher’s families (1CH 7) Issa’s, Ben’s, Naph’s, Mana’s, Ephra’s, Asher’s families (1CH 7) ∴ 
Saul’s family (1CH 8) Saul’s family (1CH 8) ∶ 
Ezra’s party (returned exiles) (EZR 2) Ezra’s party (returned exiles) (EZR 2) -
Nehemiah’s found record (NE 7:4-Ω) Nehemiah’s found record (NE 7:4-Ω) -
Resettlers of Jerusalem (NE 11) Resettlers of Jerusalem (NE 11) -
Jesus (maternal) (MT 1:1-17) Jesus (maternal) (MT 1:1-17) ⋅ 
Jesus (paternal) (LK 3:23-38) Jesus (paternal) (LK 3:23-38) ⋅ 

All Chapters (Bonus)All Chapters (Bonus)
Genesis  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50
Exodus  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40
Leviticus  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27
Numbers  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36
Deuteronomy  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34
Joshua  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24
Judges  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21
Ruth  1  2  3  4
1 Samuel  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31
2 Samuel  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24
1 Kings  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22
2 Kings  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25
1 Chronicles  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29
2 Chronicles  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36
Ezra  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
Nehemiah  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13
Esther  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10

Job  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42
Psalms  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50  51  52  53  54  55  56  57  58  59  60  61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  70  71  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  79  80  81  82  83  84  85  86  87  88  89  90  91  92  93  94  95  96  97  98  99  100  101  102  103  104  105  106  107  108  109  110  111  112  113  114  115  116  117  118  119  120  121  122  123  124  125  126  127  128  129  130  131  132  133  134  135  136  137  138  139  140  141  142  143  144  145  146  147  148  149  150
Proverbs  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31
Ecclesiastes  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12
Song of Solomon  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
Isaiah  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50  51  52  53  54  55  56  57  58  59  60  61  62  63  64  65  66
Jeremiah  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50  51  52
Lamentations  1  2  3  4  5
Ezekiel  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48
Daniel  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12
Hosea  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14
Joel  1  2  3
Amos  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
Obadiah  1
Jonah  1  2  3  4
Micah  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
Nahum  1  2  3
Habakkuk  1  2  3
Zephaniah  1  2  3
Haggai  1  2
Zechariah  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14
Malachi  1  2  3  4

Matthew  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28
Mark  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16
Luke  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24
John  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21
Acts  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28
Romans  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16
1 Corinthians  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16
2 Corinthians  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13
Galatians  1  2  3  4  5  6
Ephesians  1  2  3  4  5  6
Philippians  1  2  3  4
Colossians  1  2  3  4
1 Thessalonians  1  2  3  4  5
2 Thessalonians  1  2  3
1 Timothy  1  2  3  4  5  6
2 Timothy  1  2  3  4
Titus  1  2  3
Philemon  1
Hebrews  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13
James  1  2  3  4  5
1 Peter  1  2  3  4  5
2 Peter  1  2  3
1 John  1  2  3  4  5
2 John  1
3 John  1
Jude  1
Revelation  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22

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“Sovereign Lord, I know that you have shown me
only the beginning of the great and wonderful things
you are going to do. There is no god in heaven or on earth
who can do the mighty things that you have done!”
Deuteronomy 3:23 NIV
Last Modified: Tuesday 4 February 2025

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